Chapter Two

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Okay, so just to let you know Draco may not come in until a few more chapters. Just in case you were wondering. Of course he will return, I mean, what would a story be without Draco Malfoy?

Chapter Two:


Sheer panic filled the tent. Everyone began running and rushing around in terror. People were being knocked over or pushed out of the way. Tables and chairs were being knocked over. I watched as everyone went to run outside the barrier in order to apparate away. Jake gripped my arm tightly, but his eyes wandered frantically for Monique. "Go find her!" I told him. "I understand. I have to find Veronica."


"Carlie..." he said unsurely, like he didn't want to leave me.


"Just go!" I said pulling my arm away. He ran off to go find her and I pulled my wand out from the secret compartment. Next, even more apparating cracks filled the room, but these people weren't leaving. It was the Death Eaters who were arriving. There were about twenty of them and they shot spells the second their feet hit the ground.


The tent went up in flames and people were being attacked. All I could hear was screaming and then members of the Order began to fight back. It was horrifying. I got knocked over by someone, but pulled myself up quickly into a sitting position with the help of a table that fell over. I remained crouched down behind the table, because standing ten feet away from me was Desmond Nyx. He had a horrible scar going across his face, but it suited him. If he found me...I was screwed. He would probably kill me on the spot.


I ducked down but someone grabbed me from behind and put a hand over my mouth. I let out a piercing scream. "Carlie calm down it's only me," Veronica whispered as she ducked down next to me. "Our father's are here...come on, we need to make it past the barrier." I looked up to see a huge fight was going on around us. People were getting hurt by the second, what if someone got killed? I felt like a coward not helping, but I really did want to run.


"Okay," I responded and the two of us crawled out from behind the tent and began sprinting off in our heels. When I heard Veronica drop, I turned to see her father had hit her with a stunning spell. I pulled her up and threw a spell back at him. Once she regained her balance she shot spells back at him as well.


"You're not getting away. You're a disgrace for running," he said darkly, but Veronica hit him with a spell I haven't even heard of and he dropped to the ground. She grabbed my arm and dragged me with her. I looked back to see a massive fight going down but we just had to get out of here. We'd be no good to anyone if we got captured by the Death Eaters, and then possibly killed. Once we crossed the barrier, I felt Veronica begin apparating and suddenly I was with her.


We landed with a loud thud onto the ground, but thankfully it was just grass. Pulling myself up into a standing position, I looked around to see we were in the middle of nowhere. There was a tiny wooden cabin surrounded by miles of trees. Nothing else. It was actually creepy. "What is this place?" I asked turning to Veronica. I went to take a step, but one of my heels had broken. I kicked them off.


"I used to come here, with my mom," Veronica answered. We were still in our wedding attire and had no change of clothes. How was I going to sleep in this dress? "She used to take me here before she died. We can't stay here long, my father will figure it out soon." I nodded in agreement and followed her into the cabin.


The inside was very small. There was just a small kitchen area and sitting area. There were only two bedrooms, but it was perfect for just the two of us to hide out in for a while. I immediately took a seat onto the couch. "I feel so gross in this dress," I said and looked down at my muddy dress. I really needed a shower, but I assume the water doesn't work here anymore.


Veronica disappeared into one of the bedrooms and came back out dragging a trunk, she dropped it down in front of me. When she opened it, there were a few items of clothing on the inside. "These were my mother's. I remembered she left them here." She pulled out a sweater and pair of jeans. "We're all around the same size." She tossed me the jeans and a sweatshirt. "There isn't much, but it will last us for a few days."


We have been staying there for about six days, we couldn't last any longer. One, because they'd be coming after us. Two, none of the cooking appliances worked. I was glad to see the shower's worked but we were eating left over canned food from years ago and using the fire to heat it up. Veronica and I were seated on the floor by the fire, it was absolutely freezing here in this cabin. We had dragged the two mattresses out into the living room so we could be by the warmth.


We basically had talked about everything we could, it's just been us two for the past few days. I ranted about Draco to her but only once. Told her everything about my family and she did the same. "Where are we going to go tomorrow?" I asked her. Tomorrow we were going to leave.


"I'm not sure, I think we should go somewhere busy though," Veronica answered. "What do you think?" I shrugged, I honestly had no idea where we could go.


"We can't go to Salem or Hogwarts. We can't stay here, or basically go anywhere with magic." I didn't want to be too far away though. If we ran off to, say Russia, we'd completely lose all contact. If there was an emergency, we wouldn't know. "I'm not sure, what if we went to one of the smaller cities by London? That way, we would be in contact but keep our distance as well?" Veronica nodded in agreement. She was English, so she would know where to go.


"Yeah, I'll think of a few places tonight." We layed down on our mattresses, tired from doing nothing these past few days. I felt helpless.


"I wonder how everyone is doing," I said to Veronica. I thought of everyone before I fell asleep. We never heard what went down at the wedding after we left.


"I know, I wonder how Sonny is," she said sadly. It seemed that luck was running low the past few months for the two of us. This war was destroying everything. "I'm going to get to sleep."


"Alright, good night."

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