Chapter Eighteen

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Short chapter, again, but there's a lot going on here. Only a few more chapters to go! So sad to see this come to an end, but I'm so thankful for all of you!

Chapter Eighteen:

We ran down the hall as fast as we could. They had seen us and were right behind us, but we could out run them. Draco and I were fast. We kept turning around different corners, but I knew we were heading towards the main battle. I couldn't be any more prepared, but I didn't feel ready. Our hands were locked together. I tried to remove the image of my dead sister out of my mind, but it wasn't going away. I felt guilty, like this was entirely my fault. We continued on.

"Carlie..." Draco said and pointed to far ahead. Veronica was up against the wall as Fenrir Greyback approached her. The two of us rushed towards them. Veronica was my best friend. No one else was dying on me. Sonny layed motionless on the floor, oh please don't be dead.

"Hey!" I screamed grabbing Greyback's attention. His dark face snapped towards me as he bared his fangs, showing the true wolf man he was. Draco looked at me like I was insane. Greyback took a step towards me and I couldn't resist. I had so much anger inside of me as I ripped my wand out and yelled, "Crucio!" I put all of my emotions behind it. I let all of my anger about the deaths, the war, and losing almost everything. All of the lies I had been told my life, I was blaming them all on Greyback at this moment. He twitched in immense pain on the floor, it was working. I could feel how strong it was, none of my spells have ever been this strong. He couldn't even fight against it but I didn't care, he had tried to kill my best friend.

I listened as he screamed, but I wasn't going to stop. He deserved this for everyone he's ever killed and everyone he's ever hurt. He was stepping back from me but I only followed him, he wasn't going to plead. I wasn't going to stop. He was nearing the edge of the building, and before he realized it, he stepped off the edge of a broken wall and fell a hundred feet down off the castle. We were high up, which only meant he was dead. I stood there staring down at where he had fallen, anger was still filling me. "Come away from there," Draco said pulling me back, this time more gently knowing I was on rage. He pushed my arm down that was still holding up my wand.

Veronica was kneeling down next to Sonny, shaking him. His eyes fluttered as he looked up at her and her face lit up. He was only unconscious. She pulled him up and then ran over to me quickly pulling me into a hug. "Thank you," she said barely audible. "I thought I was d-dead there for a minute." I nodded. "I'm taking Sonny to Madame Pomfrey in the Great Hall, see you soon?" I nodded. She helped Sonny up and the two slowly travelled down the hall. Draco turned to face me.

"Let's keep going," I said to him a bit horrified at what I had done. Greyback deserved it, but still...I didn't know I had it in me.

We didn't go outside, but from what I could see luck wasn't on our side. We were outnumbered, we turned away from it but this time I didn't resist. I needed to step back for a moment. I leant up against the wall and Draco was standing close to me. "Are you alright?" he asked and I nodded.

"Scarlett," a voice called and my mother was running to approach me. Draco and I straightened up and turned to face her. I held onto my wand tightly, it was no secret which side she was here for. She didn't look like she was going to harm us, in fact her face was tear streaked and she was showing emotion for once. Something, like Goyle, she has never really shown before. Except for the time I called her out on knowing her little 'secret'.

"Mother?" I answered coldly.

"Elvira...well...she's dead!" Rosalis said and let her head hang a little. The pain of guilt struck me again, I had forgotten about that for a second. "I've been a horrible mother," she said talking quickly, "I needed just to tell you that...I-I'm sorry!" If anything had caught me off guard tonight, it was that. My eyes widened, was this a trick? I still didn't change my footing but I listened. "Everything I've done has been wrong. I've already lost two daughters." A small tear fell from her eyes. "And I just wanted to apologize for how awful I have been. I should have told you the truth about your real father, rather than keeping it from you and keeping you a secret from everyone." Draco was looking at me and I stared at my mother.

For once in my life, she was truly being sincere. You could hear it in her voice. Although I vowed to never forgive her, I don't want any regrets. Who knows what the future will bring. "I forgive you," I said to her. I didn't exactly forgive her, but over time I may. Our happy time was shortened as someone else approached the crowd, Desmond.

Draco grabbed my hand as the two of us stepped back quickly straightening up. Rosalis snapped around to face him, fear flooded onto her faith. "Well isn't that lovely?" he mocked and then raised his wand quickly at Rosalis and yelled, "Avada Kedavra!" A scream escaped my mouth as Draco had to use both arms to prevent me from running towards Desmond. My mother fell to the ground, dead. I screamed and fought against Draco but he held me tightly. Desmond looked up at me with a proud and cold smirk. "Ungrateful little witch," he muttered darkly. "Should have taken care of that a long time ago, just like I did with that father of yours." My eyes watered. He was appalling, he was just as bad as the Dark Lord. Killing his own wife, and he had killed my father? I should have guessed it was him! "Now there's only one more problem to get rid of." His ice cold eyes landed on me, I was that problem. "Avada-"

"Expelliarmus!" Lupin yelled from behind him. He came from around the corner, knocking Desmond's wand from out of his hand. Draco snatched it up. Lupin joined us alongside Tonks. "I'll take care of this-" Lupin began saying but I couldn't resist.

"Crucio!" I yelled once more, aiming it at Desmond. Even more rage filled me, this had worked so well on Greyback let's see what this does to him. I listened to him scream, enjoying every minute of it. "You deserve the most painful death. You don't deserve to die quickly, you deserve to die slow and painfully, for everything you've done." In this short amount of time, the Cruciatus curse has become addictive. I got to watch as the people I hated more than anything in the world twitched in pain, getting everything they deserve. "Maybe I'll get to be the one who kills you." I don't know what was happening to me, I liked the idea of killing him. He screamed as he glared up at me, not being able to withstand the pain. I stared into his cold blue eyes. I wanted to kill him.

"," Draco said grabbing my hand but I tore it away. If I was going to kill someone, it was going to be him. I liked hearing his screams. He deserved it.

"Malfoy stop her she's just getting carried away," Lupin commanded. "Carlie stop!" He yelled at me. "STOP!" he yelled once more but I couldn't. "Expelliarmus!" he yelled at me, my wand shot out of my hand and into his as I fell back a bit. Desmond collapsed in pain onto the ground and Draco caught me before a few.

"What the hell!" I yelled at Lupin, my eyes burning with tears. "He needs to die! He deserves it for everything he's ever done!"

"You say that now," Lupin shot at me. "But killing him like this will be on you. The Killing curse is unforgivable for many reasons. Aside from being illegal, can you forgive yourself for using it?" Lupin put the body binding spell on Desmond as he layed on his side staring up at me in rage. "I'll send someone to collect him." Lupin took off after handing me back my wand, and then I realized how easy it was to fall into the dark side. Killing Desmond wouldn't have made anyone who has died come back, they were already gone. I still felt like he deserved it. Maybe I would be lucky and someone else would do it.

"Let's get out of here Carlie," Draco said once more in a tone where he almost feared how I would react. I nodded at him and we began to walk but stepped back to face Desmond. "No, Carlie." I shook my head, I wasn't going to kill him.

"I'm not going to kill you," I said to Desmond, "Because I'm nothing like you. I'll let the dementors have you." Even though he couldn't move, I could still see the emotion in his eyes, he would be facing the dementors kiss. Then using all of my might I swung my leg back and nailed him forcefully in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. Draco looked at me as I walked back to him. "That last part was inspired by you," I said to him remembering when he nailed Harry in the face on the train his sixth year. He shook his head at me, and for once we both smiled. I know it wasn't funny that he kicked Harry in the face, but Draco found it funny that I used one his own ideas.

We took a step but I felt the familiar feeling from Voldemort's first message. I remained holding onto Draco's hand, but my vision went blurry and my head ached. "Harry Potter is dead," the voice said as I tried to fight against the headache. "Here you fight for him, while he was killed trying to escape the battle." Lies, Harry would never have tried to run. He couldn't be dead! "The battle is over and I have one. We outnumber you. The Boy Who Lived is no longer here to protect you."

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