Chapter Twenty One

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Okay, so here is my final chapter. Don't worry, I am doing a 19 years later, but this is the last one from Deathly Hallows. Litterally, I'm so sad ;( I've loved writing this book & I loved talking too all of you & reading your comments. I'm not going to write an extremely long authors note right now, but expect one ranting my feelings later on. I will miss writing this series very much x

Chapter Twenty One

Hours later the sun was shining brightly and we were all gathered in the Great Hall. I had fallen asleep while the Order was taking care of everything. Draco left to speak with his parents, I hoped he wasn't in any trouble, and so did he. As I fluttered open my eyes, Nica was sitting next to me. "Hey," she said with a wide grin. It was the first time I've truly seen her smile since we had been on the run.

"Hi," I responded back. "What did I miss?"

"Shacklebolt is now Minister," she said and I nodded in complete approval. He'd make an excellent minister. "Harry took off with Ron and Hermione, I think he went to Gryffindor tower. I don't blame Harry, the amount of attention after the battle was too much." I nodded, I would have hated that too.

We stood up to walk around, looking at the familiar faces. I was wrapped up in bandages, someone must have tended to me when I was asleep. People around me were being tended to too, some in worse conditions than others. The Weasley family sat together, looking happy and sad at the same time. It really was a difficult position to be in. So many had died yet now the battle was over. Should I be happy or sad? So many had been lost. Such a tragedy.

"We're alive!" someone yelled tackling me into a hug and lifting me off the ground.

"Jake, are you okay?" I said as my feet hit the ground. He was completely bandaged, but I guess that didn't stop him.

"I have never been better!" he said cheerfully and smiled at Nica and I. We all talked for a moment, about how nice it was to finally have all of our anxiety disappear. Not having to worry about an upcoming attack or watching our backs. No more being on the run, or disguising ourselves. "I'm sorry about Silvius Carlie, truly." I nodded biting my lip and looking at the ground, I wouldn't cry anymore today. Silvius had died a hero, he wasn't a coward like the rest. "He was a great guy." Jake had to run after that, he and Monique were taking off with the Order to inform the Ministry of everything they had seen.

As Nica and I walked, we passed the pile of dead bodies. I hated to think who was in there, Silvius for sure, but I tore my head away not wanting to recognize anyone. Possibly my mother and Elvira, unless it was only people on our sides. It seemed like a lot, but I'm sure it wasn't everyone. Nica stopped as well. "How many?" I asked her.

"Fifty four from our side," she answered. "Well, fifty five including..." She didn't have to finish that, fifty five including Silvius. He died on our side.

"And the Death Eaters?" I asked her, with a darker tone.

"Only about thirty dead bodies were found," Nica said just as darkly. "More deserved it." How sad it was to see, almost twice the amount of good people died than the Death Eaters.

"What happened to the rest?" I asked, there were hundreds of them at the start.

"They're not sure if there were more deaths outside the castle, such as when the bridge collapsed. A few ministry members are searching the black lake." That job sounded disgusting, searching for dead bodies in the black lake. "More than half though apparated away when Harry was found alive." I nodded. I remember that. Cowards. "But Shacklebolt has informed us that almost all have been found and captured, and are on their way to Azkaban. The ones that remained here from last night have all been sentenced to Azkaban and many face the Dementor's Kiss." I nodded.

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