Chapter Twelve

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Hi! So sorry for the really long time it takes me to update, I've been so annoyingly busy. But we're pretty close to being done! On the plus side I went to Salem this past weekend (Carlie's hometown haha) & it was amazing! I wish I lived closer. There was a Harry Potter store & everything. I felt like I was in Hogsmeade! Everyone was practically dressed up & all the stores had something to do with Halloween. I ate at the 'The Witches Brew Cafe' haha & people were dead seriously dressed up in robes. An old lady, like 90, came in dressed in blue robes looking like McGonagall. It was amazing, seriously if you wanna live a day like a witch go to Salem in October. at that Harry Potter store I bought a Slytherin keychain & a shirt that said 'Salem Quidditch' okay so sorry for this long authors note I was just so excited about Salem, okay have fun reading

Chapter Twelve:

When Dobby appeared I was shocked. I forgot that house elves could apparate where ever they wanted to. Different rules applied to them. "Take Luna, Griphook, Carlie, and Veronica," Ron began saying to the little green elf. " cottage!" Dobby nodded and held out his arm. Shell cottage? Luna smiled at us positively, knowing that she was right all along. We were safe now, but I wasn't ready to leave yet. Harry had to be the one to escape if we wanted this whole war to end. It felt wrong leaving him behind. Veronica knew that too. While Luna and Griphook held to Dobby, Veronica and I stood still.

"We should stay..." Veronica began saying but broke into a loud cough. "To-to help." She continued her coughing, she was sicker that I thought.

"Nica," I said shaking my head. Maybe if I stayed... "Go with them. You're sick."


"Go!" I said and nodded to Dobby, who I could barely see with the light.

"Meet me at the top of the stairs in twenty seconds," Dobby said. With a crack I knew that the three had apparated away. I was staying with Harry and Ron. When he disappeared the lock on the door had broken, but as we walked towards the door someone was coming our way. It was Peter Pettigrew. He was holding his wand up to us.

"Think you're going to escape, think again," Pettigrew said holding his wand steady in the arm didn't look like it was made from metal. None of us had wands, we couldn't take him. I looked between Harry and Ron, what were we going to do? They thought quicker than I did and both tackled him to the ground, Ron grabbed his wand as it rolled out of his hand.

Then everything went silent as he grabbed Harry's throat with his silver hand. That hand could crush anything. My eyes widened as Ron held up the wand. He couldn't do a spell could hit Harry. I watched as Harry was gasping for air, but Ron and I were afraid to make any movement. If we did anything, Pettigrew may just harm him faster. "Don't forget who saved your life," Harry choked out at him.

I remembered back in my second year, when Harry saved Pettigrew from the Dementor's Kiss, but he escaped from us. I watched as Pettigrew's eyes became more sympathetic as the hand slowly moved away from Harry's throat. Before I could ponder what may happen next, Pettigrew's arm continued all the way towards his own throat. Was he going to strangle himself? It tightened around his throat as he gasped for air and tried to pull at it with his other hand. Harry quickly grabbed at it and tried to help, which was extremely nice of him. I don't think I would have tried to save someone who was just strangling me. I would have just let him do so. "No...." Harry said as he failed to pull it away from his throat. I turned my head at the sight, Pettigrew choked himself to death.

 "Come on," someone said to us and I looked up to see it was Dobby. I was the first to pull myself up to a standing position, eager to get away from the sight. Harry and Ron were right behind me. We had to get Hermione though. As we crept up the stairs, I spotted Hermione laying on the floor looking rather beat up. Ron's face tightened at the sight as Bellatrix circled around her.

"I will ask you one more time," Bellatrix said in a warning tone but Hermione said nothing. She aimed her wand down at her. "Crucio." Hermione screamed in pure pain as Ron took a step forward but Hermione held him back. Bellatrix pulled out her knife and dropped down next to Hermione. "WHERE DID YOU GET THAT CUP?" she screamed once more but Hermione began saying, 'I don't know!' over and over again. Bellatrix took the knife back to Hermione arm and looked like she began carving something into her arm. Hermione was screaming once more over the sound of her sobbing tears.

"Bloody hell..." Ron muttered and rushed out, causing many of the Death Eaters to jump back startled. Harry and I rushed in after him but Bellatrix had pulled Hermione up to a standing position, pressing the knife tight up against her throat like she had done to me. My legs were shaky but feeling was coming back into them.

"Drop the wand!" Bellatrix screamed to Ron. "DROP IT!" Ron dropped the wand and Bellatrix motioned towards Draco to pick it up. He quickly snatched down to pick it up, making eye contact with me quickly. He looked horrified at what I was doing, he gave me a look before stepping back next to his father who was glaring down on us furiously. "Now..." Bellatrix began to say but suddenly the large glass chandelier that was hanging in the middle of the roof smashed to the ground and shattered. Glass shot in all different directions, I watched as Draco dropped to the ground covering his face right as I felt sharpness on the left side of my arm. Ducking down, I spotted Dobby in the corner of the room. Wow, he had the best timing.

Through all the new distractions and madness, everyone began rushing around. Hermione escaped from Bellatrix's clutches and fell into Ron's arms with her tear streaked face. Then I noticed Harry and Draco were now fighting over a wand. Wands! Quickly I stood up and noticed Elvira standing in the corner of the room. I ran over to her and she backed up in confusion. "Sorry for this," I said and quickly snatched the wand out of her hand.

"Give it back!" she yelled rushing towards me but I stunned her while she fell to the floor. I only had a few seconds, "Accio wand." I muttered and my own wand came shooting towards me. I didn't want Elvira's, it wouldn't be the same. Instead I tossed hers far away from anyone and ran over towards Dobby who was holding out his hands to apparate away. The Death Eater's were trying to attack us, but it was too late. Dobby had signaled the crack and we were apparating, I felt the twist and turns. Closing my eyes, I waited until we were on the ground but we landed softly onto...sand. Like I was back in Hawaii again. I could even small the strong ocean scent.

But when I opened my eyes, it wasn't peaceful Hawaii. In fact Hermione was crying and Harry looked Disturbed over Dobby, who had Bellatrix's knife in his chest. I gasped and stayed frozen, he had just saved us and he was the one to way. Harry yelled at Hermione to do something, but she wasn't moving, she was crying. Ron defended her because it was too late, Dobby was gone. The last words he muttered were 'Harry Potter' before passing away. It was heartbreaking to see Harry's reaction, he just sat there.

"Come on," Ron said looking at me and the three of us left him. Luna was waiting for us inside along with Ron's older brother, Fleur, Griphook, and Nica. Dobby was dead. Nica looked more than ill in the light. There was only one thing that brightened my mood, and that was seeing Jake walk through the door at that very moment.

"Carlie!" he yelled before embracing me tightly.

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