Chapter Fifteen

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Okay so don't hate me, I know this has been a very, very, very long wait & I am so sorry. I had all this time to write chapters...and then no time to write chapters! It overwhelmed me, and I've been so busy. I can't sleep though, so I decided to write a chapter and here it is. Anyways, how was Halloween for you all? Ik thanksgiving is soon...for those who celebrate thanksgiving! Anyways, enjoy this chapter. I'm sure I'll get one up next week! x

Chapter Fifteen

The suspense was growing, it already May and no signs of a battle beginning. Each day we continued hiding out in the room of requirement. Harry needed something, he kept asking us about an item that may relate back to Ravenclaw. I had never seen one around Hogwarts, but I guess it was important. Harry was pacing around the room. "Wait," someone announced loudly. It was Luna. "Harry! Harry!" He was still pacing as Luna tried to interrupt him. "Harry! Wait! HARRY!" I really have never heard Harry listen to anyone before.

"Yes, Luna?" Harry asked a bit impatiently.

"Rowena Ravenclaw's lost diadem is what you're looking for?"

"Er, doesn't really help that it's lost, Luna..."

"Well, that only means it was lost a long time ago, you have to talk to the dead. The ghosts." It was one of smartest ideas I've ever heard, I'm surprised Hermione hadn't thought of it. Everyone was nodding in approval. "I think I know who to talk to," Luna said and then Harry quickly followed behind her. Harry took out his invisibility cloak, and the two ventured out the door. Finally, maybe they would get the Horcrux.

"I hope they don't get caught..." Veronica said sitting next to me. We began to grow anxious, hiding out in this room was doing no good. We constantly feared what may happen next.

"I know," I said nodding in agreement. There we all sat waiting and waiting as usual. People having dry conversation to pass time and people like Hermione and Neville who were creating battle plans pranced around the room. Students left the room for their common rooms as it was late at night, this was probably the only time I wish I could go with them. It would be nice to have a bit of normality in my life for once.

Another hour passed, and we were only left with the students who were no longer attending Hogwarts such as Fred and George, and Cho Chang. It was almost midnight. Veronica struck up a conversation with the twins while I just sat there wondering where Draco was. I wondered what he was doing at this moment, or if he was okay. When we left things didn't seem to being going to well. The Dark Lord was probably beyond pissed, Harry Potter escaped right from under his roof.

Then the door burst open, "It's happening!" yelled Neville Longbottom as he rushed into the room, "It's happening! Harry's seen it in a vision...the Dark Lord is coming." I felt my heart fall out of me as I sprung up to my feet. So it was beginning, the battle would begin. I looked over at Veronica who nodded at me, as if to say things would be okay. I knew she was only trying to make me feel better. "The Order should be here any minute!"

With that being said, the portrait we came through opened up once more to have every single member of the Order burst through looking ready to battle. Molly Weasley was even tagging along, probably to protect her children. "Severus Snape?" Remus Lupin snapped as he stepped forward.

"Fled the castle," Neville said darkly and then muttered "Coward." The Order piled in and began making a plan. Veronica and I stood by with Fred and George, waiting for an instruction. Lucky for me, I was seventeen now so I knew that I could stay and fight. Molly said something about all the other students having to leave. Kingsley Shacklebolt was the last to come through the door, running the show himself.

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