Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen:

Life at Bill and Fleur's house was like a vacation, but it was time to get back to reality. We couldn't hide here forever, as much as I wanted to. There was a war going on with the people we loved. Veronica got much better over the past week, she's been leaving her room and finally eating again. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Griphook left yesterday to go to Gringotts. Reality hit us once again. "Ready?" Monique asked stepping into Nica and I's room. "We're ready when you are." I nodded and smiled.

 "Ready?" I asked Nica who nodded at me. We were going back to Hogwarts, something I didn't think I would be doing again. Oh how I missed Hogwarts, but how much it had changed. From what I heard from Jake, who had been frequently sneaking into Hogwarts, was that it wasn't the same at all. There was a hide out, the room of requirement, for Dumbledore's Army and the Order. Apparently things were brutal at Hogwarts, even worse than when Umbridge was there.

"As I'll ever be," Nica responded and the two of us walked downstairs to meet Jake and Monique who were hand in hand. Luna was going with us as well. We thanked Bill and Fleur before stepping into the Floo network. It was going to be a complicated journey actually getting into Hogwarts, we had to make a lot of stops along the way. We used the Floo network to the first destination. Apparated to another. The final stop was a house in Hogsmeade, which belonged to Dumbledore's brother, before taking a tunnel into Hogwarts. I hadn't known much about Dumbledore's life and had no idea he had a brother. The man was quiet and welcomed us with a nod before motioning towards the portrait.

The dark tunnel brought back bad memories. No light and cold grounds, it made me think of being trapped in Malfoy Manor. I could tell Veronica was thinking the same when I saw her facial expression. All of us walked with our wands lit up so that we could see the right path. It felt like it went on forever. A cold sweat came over me, but luckily we saw the door at the end. When the doors opened, everyone who was a part of Dumbledore's Army was standing there, looking like that had seen a ghost.

"Carlie? Veronica?" someone yelled. I didn't know who it was, but quickly we were greeted by hugs from Mrs. Weasley. Shortly after everyone began yelling questions out to us and I didn't know who to even look at first.

"Alright, alright," Jake said. "You can all ask them questions later, just let them breathe for a moment." I smiled before Veronica and I put our stuff down. So we were finally back at Hogwarts.

After we settled in and got to speak with everyone, and answer all of their questions, things were just as bad as Jake had said. Even worse, actually, the two new Professors were Death Eaters and used the Cruciatus Curse on students as punishment. Even more surprisingly, I think I'm on good terms with Ginny now. We actually talked and had a normal conversation. She must see that I'm on her side now and that I was never with the Death Eater's to begin with.

"What are we going to do here?" I asked Jake. "I'm sure we aren't here to be sitting around?" Nica was sitting next to me as we spoke with Jake. He looked awkwardly between us, before Ginny and Neville walked over.

"What's going on?" Nica asked them.

"We actually need you guys to do something," Ginny said holding up a bottle of what I was more than positive was Polyjuice potion. Nica and I shared a look, I should have seen this coming. "We need you to break into the Slytherin common room, as Daphne and Pansy." Nica and I both scrunched up our faces.

"I call not being Pansy!" Nica yelled, and I groaned, I had to be Pansy Parkinson for a whole hour, of course.

"Why?" I asked the three. "Why do we have to break into the Slytherin common room? Why can't you two do it?"

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