Chapter Seventeen

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Happy Thanksgiving, to those who celebrate it! & I'm sorry for this chapter, it's very short yet very important. I hope you like it, another update is around the corner x 

Chapter Seventeen:

"NO!" someone screamed loudly as we rapidly turned around the corner. It was Veronica who had screamed. Tears were streaming down her face as she pulled me into a tight hug. Her face was filled with warm tears. She could barely stand upright.

"Veronica, what's wrong?" I asked, feeling my heart skip a beat. Veronica was strong, she didn't cry often. Something back must have happened. She couldn't seem to find the words as she stepped back and was pulled into a tight hug by Sonny who also had tears in his eyes.

Then from behind them, I saw George and Ginny kneeling on the floor, crying even worse than Veronica. Fred was lying there, and he wasn't moving. Fred must have been killed. I felt a gasp escape my mouth as I looked at his lifeless body and the tears of the Weasley's. I had never been close with the twins, but seeing this made my eyes water a bit. Draco gripped my hand as we both looked down at Fred.

  "Fred!" someone yelled as they were running and sobbing with tears. "Oh my Fred!" Mrs. Weasley sobbed as she dropped to her knees next to him and put her head on his chest. Ginny put her head on Mrs. Weasley's shoulder. Then Harry, Ron, and Hermione appeared. Ron lost it and Hermione erupted into tears. I couldn't take it anymore, seeing this was killing me. Fred was killed, but who else? Who was next? I tucked my head into Draco's side, I didn't want to see this anymore.

"Let's get out of here," Draco whispered as we turned back down the hallway. I let him lead me away from the sight. It was too depressing. The Weasley's tears of loss were heartbreaking.

I wasn't crying, but I felt like I couldn't blink. I didn't expect it to ever be Fred, but I guess you can't predict who is going to be killed. All around me, people were dropping and dying. Draco and I traveled quickly down the hallway, avoiding all contact and keeping to the corners. We weren't anywhere near the main battle, but when we got there I'm sure it was a bloodbath. Numbers were lessoning, and I was afraid of who might be next.

 "Are you ready to leave now?" Draco yelled at me, gripping my wrist tightly again as we ran through the hallway. The battle was going on, and it was bad. Everything was crumbling down into pieces and I've already seen people die. It was a horrifying sight and I don't think it'll ever leave my mind.

"I'm not leaving! I just needed to get away from there," I responded back sticking to my opinion. After seeing that, how could I leave? How could I leave the people I cared about behind and just hope for the best. "I'm not a coward." Draco gave me a look, I was surprised he was still here. He had wanted to leave anyways, and after seeing Fred I would have guessed he'd have taken off. "I have to stay, all my friends are here."

 "Well then if we die, it's on you." He just said 'we', which meant he still wasn't going to leave my side. We continued rushing and dodging people, until we came to the stairs where no one was standing anymore, unfortunately the stairs had just changed so they were no longer there, but even worse Elvira was approaching us with her wand held high. Elvira was in the castle?

 "Where are you going?" she said, attempting to act tough. It wasn't like she would do anything, I still didn't understand what she was even doing here anyway. I would have bet they would have left her behind. It wasn't like she was an actual Death Eater.

"Out of our way Elvira," I replied annoyed. She was pretending as though she was blocking us, but it was obvious that Draco and I could take her. "Why are you even here? Why don't you just get out of here?" She wasn't a member of the Death Eaters, she could easily escape in the midst. They wouldn't notice.

"I'm trying-" she admitted but was cut off while the three of us dodged a spell coming our way. She turned and stood next to me. A Death Eater was currently attacking us. "Stop!" Elvira yelled at him while putting her hands up. "I'm on your side!" The Death Eater looked at her curiously.

"Me too!" Draco responded quickly, pulling me closer. "You have the wrong people." Draco would do anything to get out of trouble, at the moment I didn't care. I would say I was with the Death Eaters to get away from them. That was actually a clever move. This guy didn't seem to believe either of them, he simply smiled darkly as he approached us.

"Yeah...I recognize you, Malfoy," a dark voice said. "Just like your father." The Death Eater didn't seem too happy when he said that, he must have tension with Lucius. Raising his wand, he pointed it up at Draco. "Avada-" he began to say and I screamed. Without a second thought I pushed Draco out of the way, knocking him and myself off the top of the staircase.

We landed hard onto the steps that happened to be passing by at that very moment. We only fell a few feet but that really hurt. Luckily I had Draco to break my fall. He groaned but laughed at the same time. "You're lucky you have good timing," Draco said smartly. I shook my head and smiled as I pulled myself up into a sitting position. "Thanks for that," he added. I smiled and nodded, but when I looked wasn't a good sight. Elvira lay on the floor motionless where we had just been. She was dead.

"Oh my..." I began saying but couldn't find the words, the stairs stopped and the Death Eater was gone. He must have taken off after the spell. I ran back up but Draco held my hand tightly. "Elvira!" I called but she didn't move, she was dead.

"Carlie," Draco said pulling me back but I stayed frozen in my spot.

"It's my fault!" I yelled back. "I didn't push her too." She was dead because of me, if I only pushed her she would have fell with us but instead I only thought of saving Draco. My sister, was dead because of me.

"It is not your fault Carlie, you didn't know what was going to happen!" Draco said to me. I stood there and stared at my lifeless sister. Her skin remained pale, icy blue eyes still wide open, and curly black hair fell around her face. As much as we seemed to hate each other, we grew up together. Now she was gone. "Carlie," Draco said pulling me away as a bunch of other Death Eater's appeared.

So what do you think of Elvira? I've always wondered the opinions on my original characters! I know she's probably a disliked character, or maybe liked yet misunderstood? I'm not sure. Well, I'd love to hear what you have thought about her throughout the story seeing as this is her end. I actually feel sad about it but it had to be done:'(

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