Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight:


I was dragged alongside Dane by an unnamed Death Eater who had a very tight grip. I swear he was purposely trying to hurt me. Dane held a cold smirk as he twirled both Veronica and I's wands in his hand. He was going to get rewarded for this and I could tell he was eager to hear it. "Quite a well played game Scarlett," he said in his cold voice. "Of course, I always win in the end." So he was the one assigned to hunting me down. Of course.


I looked over at Veronica who was being unwilling dragged by a different Death Eater. She was thrashing and glaring up at him, but he was about twice the size of her and it didn't faze him. We quickly shared a look, but neither of us had a plan this time. We were once again screwed. Being dragged down the path to the manor, the doors were opened for us and we were dragged inside. The entrance hall was dark and cold, just as I remembered it from last year.


We came to a set of French doors and Dane turned before opening them to give us a cruel smile. Veronica and I shared one last look of horror, and then tried to wipe away our emotions. When the door was opened it was their dining hall. The table was full but thankfully the Dark Lord was not present. However, his horrific followers were all seated around glancing up at us with looks of distaste and anger. The table sat the worst of the worst, including my father. My mother wasn't around but then again she wasn't technically a Death Eater. Draco was nowhere to be seen at the moment but Lucius sat staring coldly at us.


Then I noticed Silvius standing in the corner of the room with his arms crossed. I could see the shock clearly on as his as much as he looked like he wanted to remain calm. I watched as my father gave him a warning look. I shook my head quickly, it wasn't worth starting a fight over. If he tried to prevent whatever they were going to do to me, they would just get him out their way and get on with it. "Well, well, well..." began the cold voice of Bellatrix Lestrange as she stood up from her seat. She passed closely by each of us pushing our hair from out of our face. I refused to look at her. "Look at who we have here. The two runaway blood traitors..."


Neither of us responded. "Well now that we've got them, what do we do?" another harsh voice said. I recognized it was her husband, Rudolphus. People in the room began yelling out comments such as 'Cruciatus curse' 'information' 'prisoners' and I even heard 'death'. I took a deep breath, there wasn't anything I could do anymore.


"We'll torture them for information," Bellatrix said with a psychotic smile. "When they're not giving away their secrets, lock them down in the prisons."


"But-" someone yelled from the back and they all turned to see Silvius.


"Silence boy!" Bellatrix yelled towards him. "We've let you slide before, but you're on our side now. You don't defend blood traitors." Everyone was glaring at Silvius daring him to make the next move. I shook my head again, what was he doing? I just wanted him to stop. " probably isn't best to keep you around anymore." My heart sank, what did Bellatrix mean by that? "You'll obviously be trying to help your blood traitor sister," I needed to know where she was going with this. "So it's best to send you off."


"Send him on the Romania mission," someone called out and they got grunts of approval. He was being sent away on a mission, that's better than him being killed. Again, I felt as if it was my fault. Silvius was escorted out of the room before giving me a quick look. He'll be okay, I kept telling myself.


After everyone had settled down, Veronica and I were seated without our wands. We were weaponless and our chairs faced back to back so we couldn't communicate. Dane was rewarded, of course. Bellatrix told him how 'proud' the Dark Lord will be of him and his face lit up. He disgust me. Bellatrix turned back towards us and began circling around our chair like a hawk. She was horrifying. "Now...who first?" she began. "Well, I remember Ms. Nyx here doesn't last too long with the Cruciatus curse. So Ms. Mason will volunteer first."


They were going to torture Veronica, and I was going to have to listen. I wish I could tell her it would be okay, but I'd be lying. It wouldn't, it was going to be painful and I only pray she passes out like I do. "Crucio!" I heard Bellatrix yell and Veronica did not pass out. Instead I had to listen to her piercing screams like someone was stabbing her with a thousand knifes. I kept yelling for them to stop, but Bellatrix only continued. I even begged, asking them to stop and Bellatrix continued. Veronica screamed and I heard her chair moving in pain. Finally, I silenced and then soon after Bellatrix stopped the curse. "Now, that'll do." Bellatrix walked back over to me.


"The torture curse doesn't work on her, what do we do?" Rabastan Lestrange called.


"I'll think of something," Bellatrix muttered leaning closely to me and I held my head back in order to get as far away as I could from her. After that Veronica and I were dragged out of the room and into the cellar. It was dark and cold, I'm more than positive it would flood during rain. The stairway was narrow and when we got to the end, there was a prison gate. Why the hell did the Malfoy's have this down here? It was unlocked and the two of us were ruthlessly thrown in. We fell to the cold hard ground face first and I heard the gate slam behind us.


"Nica," I quickly said pulling myself up despite the pain from the fall. I helped my friend into a sitting position. "Are you okay?" Of course she wasn't okay, they just did the torture curse on her. She wasn't bleeding or bruised anywhere, but the more they did it the worse it got. I only hoped this was the last time. Veronica didn't look up at me but nodded.


"Carlie? Veronica?" a soft voice spoke and we both looked up to see Luna Lovegood approaching us. She looked absolutely dreadful. There was a cut on her lip and she looked extremely dirty. As thin as she was before, she was half the size now.


"Luna?" I asked standing up. "How long have you been down here?"


"Oh, just since they took me from the train," Luna said and my eyes widened. It was near the end of December and she had been down here since September first. That couldn't happen to just couldn't.


"Is there any way of getting out?" I asked her looking around the cold and dark cellar. It was only bars, there weren't even beds. I much preferred my room upstairs I was stuck in rather than this. This wasn't humane.


"Not at all, I've searched every day and hadn't found anything," Luna replied in a not so happy tone. "It's just concrete and walls, there's nothing down here." So we're trapped.

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