Chapter Eleven

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Sorry for the delay! Hope you enjoy

Chapter Eleven:

All hope was lost. We were done. We've spent countless days down here...months...weeks, who knows? Who cares? I know I didn't care anymore. A few days ago they unchained me from that damn pole, but I was still tapped down in the basement. Each day Veronica and I just continued lying on the cold floor. We barely ate the food they gave us. Maybe they would realize we were giving up and just let us die on our own. Yet they didn't care. Bellatrix still came downstairs with a crowd every once in a while to try and get us to spill any information we had. It wasn't going to happen. The Goblin, Griphook, was freaking out per minute. I liked it better when he wasn't here. It was quiet. Luna kept giving us her positive comments. It wasn't helping though. Her optimism was irritating.

"I think I've discovered something!" Luna said once again. She said that nearly every day, in the was nothing. It was just Luna getting her hopes up. Veronica and I made no response, but Griphook rushed right over to her. The two of them needed to realize that we were done for. Luna ran back over to us with a hopeful expression. "I found a small crack in the wall. Now, if we all take turns picking at it, we may be able to create a hole. From there, we can continue-"

"Stop!" Veronica yelled at her in a shaky voice.

"What's wrong?" Luna asked clueless.

"Everything's wrong Luna," I responded back in a cold tone. "What's the point? Alright, don't you see? We're not getting out of here! They check down here every day and even if we do make a large enough hole and begin getting out of here, they'll just find us again. Torture us again, possibly even kill us." There was no escaping. If we somehow managed to even try and escape, they would kill us for doing so.

"Just give up already Luna," Veronica replied darkly. Luna didn't respond, but I know her and was positive she didn't listen to our words. Instead I'm sure she's back picking at the damn crack in the wall.  She was probably even hoping to discover some invisible basement creature to help us escape.

It couldn't keep track of the time, it was too painful. It was dark down here all day, was it night or day? I guess it didn't matter. I felt so weak. Veronica was feeling the same. Apart from Griphook's panic attacks, it was normally quiet down here. I then began hearing creaking of the steps and feared who was coming. We didn't have any information on Harry to give them, who knows what was even going on with him right now. "Veronica?" I whispered. "Luna? Griphook?" No one responded, instead I heard a snore. I suppose they were all asleep.

"Carlie," a familiar voice said, I recognized it as Draco's. "Lumos." A small light filled the room and I had to squeeze my eyes shut at the brightness. "Sorry..." he said walking over towards me. "How are you doing?" This was the first time I had been alone with him for...well who knows how long. Did he really have to ask that though? I think it was pretty obvious. "Hey..." he said helping me to a sitting position.

"What time is it?" I managed to say.

"It's around three a.m.," he answered quickly in a hushed tone. "I don't have long." I was embarrassed at how weak I was. I felt like I was falling apart. If I did manage to escape, I don't think I would make it too far on my own. "You have to get out of here."

"There's no way out," I answered hanging my head. He handed me what felt like bread and I only took a piece off, I'd have to share with the others when they awoke.

"Tomorrow...around noon the house is going to have less people..." Draco was talking in a weird tone.


"Noon," he muttered. "That cabinet in the back of the room, has always been...unsteady. It likes to move..." From the look of his eyes, he was trying to tell me something. Was there a way to escape from here? There was something to do with that cabinet. "Not until noon though. I have to go." He quickly stood up, I began hearing voices from upstairs. "Remember."

So there was an escape? He basically just told me without actually saying it. Not until noon though, how would I even know when that was? He did tell me it was around three, I would have to guess then. I'd wait until the others woke up to tell them. Was it worth it? I didn't even know if we would make it on our own. Draco wouldn't risk his own life coming down here if it wasn't true. Maybe there was a chance we would be getting out of here. When Luna or Veronica woke up, I would tell them what happened. Then we would think of our plan. For the first time in a long time, I began to feel hope.

 My eyes fluttered open at the sound of someone screaming. This was the type of screaming where you would think someone was being killed. I jumped up, not believing I fell asleep. I quickly looked around, who was it that was screaming? It was coming from far away, I looked to see Veronica leap up as well. So it wasn't her, thankfully, though she did look very sick. "Hello?" I called quickly.

"CARLIE?" someone said in a shocked tone, I looked to see Harry and Ron standing there. I gasped, when did this happen? They were locked down in the basement with us? "Veronica?" Luna and Griphook appeared. "Luna? How long have you all been down here!" It was Ron who was talking.

"What happened, how did you guys end up down here?" I asked them as Harry helped me into a standing position. My legs were shaking. Harry helped me balance. It was so great to see them, even if it was in this circumstance. Yet I feared for their lives more than mine. Of all people, Harry Potter could not be caught. He had to be the one to escape.

"Where's Hermione?" Veronica asked as she layed still on the ground, she didn't seem like she could move at the moment. Then were heard a piercing scream and Ron's face scrunched up. It was Hermione who was screaming.

"We have to get out of here," I quickly said. "And I think I know a way!" I remembered everything Draco told me. As I took a step I was shaky, I could barely walk. It was so embarrassing how weak I was.

 "Not without Hermione!" Harry said. "Besides, with the crowd currently upstairs I don't think that's a good idea." Something must have happened when they caught the trio, Draco was wrong. It wasn't going to work. We did have to save Hermione though, I could only imagine what they were doing to her.

Suddenly we heard a crack, then a little green elf appeared. "Maybe I could help, Harry Potter?" Dobby said.

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