Chapter Five

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And with all that darkness, I hope you like this very fun & light hearted chapter, before things get dark again. Figured why not write one happy chapter!

Chapter Five:


After the incident in Diagon Alley, Veronica and I steered clear from any Wizarding communities for the next few weeks. We ended up in a bad muggle neighborhood, and even I knew it was bad because of all the fighting I heard. The muggles here just seemed really angry. We took over a 'foreclosed' house. I didn't know what it meant, but Veronica said it was when people were kicked out of their house for not paying for it. That was an awful thing for muggles to do to one another. Anyway, it was a small and beat up house that we rarely left. Veronica and I protected it with a bunch of spells so that even the muggle's wouldn't come inside.


When I grabbed the Prophet the day we fled Diagon Alley, it was a horrifying sight. Harry was more than a wanted man. They were putting out cash prizes to anyone who found him and wrote up a whole article on Dumbledore that was nothing but a liar. Something about Dumbledore being 'dark' and fighting on the wrong side when he was younger. Even if it was true, people can change. Then there was a whole section on how they were accusing muggleborns of stealing magic. How could that even be possible? Muggles don't even know about magic. They were arresting them and taking away their wands. I saw that Hermione Granger was on the wanted list for that.


I felt so out of the loop. I wish I could at least hear from someone to let me know that everyone is still alive. I was sitting on the hardwood floor in the living room. There was really no furniture in this place. We made beds from sheets we had found around the house. "Why are you looking so down?" Veronica asked walking in the room and I shrugged. "I is your birthday."


"It's Halloween?" I asked confused, where had the time gone? Veronica nodded and smiled.


"Of course, haven't you noticed the decorations outside?" she pointed out. Looking out the window I noticed there were tons of pumpkins, most of them were smashed on the ground though. They called those decorations? Hogwarts Halloween was all candy. "You're finally seventeen," she pointed out. "You are officially a legal wizard."


I smiled widely, I had been waiting for this day my whole life. How did I not remember? This was the day I was planning on leaving my family forever, guess I did that much sooner than I had thought. "What a great way to celebrate my freedom, by spending it in a secured house!" I said sarcastically.


"Oh no," Veronica said shaking her head, "We're going out."


"Yeah right," I answered. We could barely go into a restaurant without being tracked down.


"It's Halloween...muggle's dress up in costumes."




"So?" Veronica mimicked. "We dress up in costumes! They won't recognize us. It'll be fun, we can walk around the city freely tonight. It'll be great." It did sound very intriguing and I had been extremely bored these past few days. I was even wishing for a book to entertain me, which wasn't usual for me.

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