Chapter Six

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BTW, sorry if these chapters seem short! I'm trying not to pack everything together.

And hopefully this turns things around for you...

Chapter Six


I stared in the mirror. The girl looking back at me didn't look like me at all. "Wow," was all I could stay while running a hand through my formerly blonde hair. I was unrecognizable. After staring at myself for a solid ten minutes I notice a few feature similarities, but I had to look hard.

"Well I guess you finally you got the hang of it," Veronica agreed while looking in the mirror next to me. She was poking at her face. Today was the day we were going to the Ministry. I have been practicing the spells from my beauty book. I've also been practicing my English accent. It would be too obvious if I went to the Ministry with my American one. Veronica has been working on it with me.


In the moment we looked a lot like sisters. Both us now had long and very curly dark brown hair. It was easy for me to make the spell stronger by imagining someone with that quality, so I pictured Jake while giving us both a sunny tan. Finally I turned our eyes icy blue after thinking of Silvius. I have never looked more related to my siblings than I did today. I looked a lot like Elvira, which sort of freaked me out. "Alright, so the plan," I said. "We go to the Ministry and jinx a witch or wizard, which is your job, into saying that we're their children. My name is Selena and you are Sasha. We're twin sisters." Veronica nodded in agreement as she grabbed onto my arm. From there we apparated away.


Finally we were back in London looking nothing like ourselves, which was a good thing. There was snow on the ground and snow banks on the side of the road. It was already December...unbelievable. Veronica knew where the entrance was so I followed her. We kept our eyes open for anyone that could be a Death Eater. "I don't see any one..." she whispered and I agreed, everyone looked like a muggle.


We were now walking down a street that was less crowded. I hoped Veronica knew what she was doing, because the crowd was gone now. At least we didn't look like ourselves. "Are you sure?" I asked but just as I did my arm was grabbed and I was pulled down the alley way on the side along with Veronica. We both screamed but when I saw who it was my mouth dropped as if I had seen a ghost.


There he stood, tall and blonde with his usual grimace. It was Draco and I was staring like a complete idiot, which quickly turned into a scowl. "First of all, what the hell are you doing? Second of all, how did you find us?" Veronica shouted at him while tearing her arm away from him. There wasn't a piece of me that forgave him for what he had done. Veronica felt the same way as she glared at him. I was speechless. I didn't think I would be seeing him...especially not so soon.


"Stopping you bloody idiots from heading straight towards the center of the Ministry!" he shouted at us. "Do you know what's going on down there? Death Eaters are running everywhere. You think whatever mistake you did to your hair is going to make you unrecognizable?" I thought my disguising job was pretty good, but still he didn't explain how he found us.


"How did you find us?" Veronica repeated with a dark glare. I couldn't believe that he was standing there. I would wake up from this any minute now, I didn't think I'd see him for a very long time. Yet here he is. I had nothing to say to him.


"That's not the point," he muttered back. "The point is that we need to get out of here, now." We didn't want to take him with us at all, but we had to. Veronica and I shared a knowing look. We had to find out how he found us and prevent that from happening again.


He couldn't apparate, because he didn't finish his sixth year and never got his license. Veronica, unwillingly, apparated alongside the two of us to some run down hotel she remembered seeing many years ago in London. I refused to talk to him. Draco used 'confundo' on the man at the desk and he gave him a room key free of charge. When we got upstairs to the second floor, it was dark and the beds were small. I still didn't want him here, but we needed to find out how he could track us. "I'm going to ask again," Veronica said holding her wand up to Draco's face. "How did you find us?"


"Not important..." he replied, but Veronica was tough with spells. I rolled my eyes and gave in to not speaking to him.


"She'll do it, you know," I pointed out. I didn't know what spell she would do, but Veronica wasn't all talk. She would definitely have no probably hexing him into telling us.


"Fine," Draco responded unhappily, "Your earring, alright? The one that I gave you last year." My hand shot up to the top of my ear. I had completely forgotten about that. It was that single earring Draco had given me last year that froze to the top of my ear. I quickly pulled at it, but it wouldn't come off. "It was a tracker and linked to a blank book. Whenever I opened it, it said the address you were currently at." I stared at him wide eyed and shocked. How could he do that to me?


"It won't come off!" I yelled pulling at it. "Why would you do that?" I yelled at him. "So you could turn us into your colleagues for rewards from the Death Eaters?" He scoffed and rolled his eyes.


"Please, who just saved your asses from going down to the Ministry," he yelled back. "Especially when both of your father's were down there that day." I was absolutely furious. He's been tracking me since he gave me the earring last Christmas? I didn't trust him anymore. I didn't want anyone like that knowing where I was twenty four seven.


"Get it off me!" I yelled at him pulling at it. It wasn't budging, I can't believe I had forgotten about that. It was causing me to panic. Veronica tried to help. When she touched it, it shocked her.


"It only comes off, if the book is destroyed." I glared at Draco as he said that.


"Then where's the book?" Veronica snapped. "We don't need people like you following us." Draco glared in her directions, but seemed to ignore her.


"The book is at my house, because this was a last minute trip to save you," Draco replied with a smug expression. "So you're welcome."


"Fantastic!" I yelled sarcastically. "A book that tracks Veronica and I, in the head quarters of Death Eaters. Smart Malfoy, really." I was in no means calling him by his first name. We weren't on a first name basis anymore. "So figure out how to get it off of me, and then leave." I turned and went to the small bathroom to examine it more. I was done talking to him.

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