Whaddya Say?

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A couple of weeks had gone by and Feister seemed to be back to her old self. Her nightmares have lessened to only twice a week, her injuries were to the point you could barely see them, and the best of all, she was back to yelling at the boys for every stupid little thing they do, and the boys never thought they'd be happy to hear Feister yelling at them again.

"So, I's was thinkin'," Mush said. It was a warm September afternoon in New York as the two newsies walked in their favorite park hand in hand. It was an easy day selling the papers, and since they finished early, they could go and do whatever they wanted.

"That's dangerous," Feister replied. She still couldn't believe it had only been a little over a month since everything had happened. From the strike ending to her having her first kiss.

Mush laughed and shook his head. Everyday he noticed that Feister was becoming more and more like old herself again, and, if he was being honest with himself, he actually missed hearing Feister tease him relentlessly. As annoying as that was, it's just who Feister is. "Anyways, I's was thinkin' that...um..." Mush started to turn red, as he became at lost for words. Boy, was this a lot harder than he thought it would be. But all he had to do was take a deep breath and say what needed to be said before -

"Whatsa matter, cat got yer tongue?" Feister asked with the most innocent look in her eyes that could make even soften Spot Conlon's heart.

Mush looked straight into those innocent dark brown eyes. "I's was thinkin' that we's should do somethin'," Mush managed to say after what felt like a lifetime. No matter how hard he tried, he was always at a lost for words when it came to Feister. Which isn't helping the situation very much because Mush needs to focused on what he was about to ask...or at least try too.

"Yeah, that sounds nice," Feister replied with a smile. "So, what did ya have in mind?" when she looked back at him, she noticed that Mush was red as a tomato, avoiding eye contact, and he looked really nervous. It took Feister a few moments to figure it out. But when she finally did, her eyes widened and she wasn't sure what to think. Sure, they did stuff together pretty much all the time, but if Mush was asking, what Feister thought he was asking then...she didn't know what to think. "Mush Meyers," Feister said using that tone as she stepped in front of him Which made Mush look her in the eyes. Feister only smiled as she quietly asked, "Are you askin' me out on a...date?"

"Well that depends," Mush said as he wrapped his arms around Feister's waste to pull her closer.

"Depends on what?" Feister asked as she placed her hands on his shoulders and looked at him with a soft smile.

"Will ya...go out...with....me?" Mush asked slowly. It took all his courage to say those six little words, and if Mush was being honest with himself, that was the most nerve wracking thing he's ever done.

Feister only smiled as the lightest shade of pink spread across her cheeks. It was another dream come true, and that's when she realized this couldn't be happening. "Ok," she replied after what felt like forever. She wrapped her arms around his neck. They were about to kiss when - "There ya are!" Mush and Feister let the other go and they stood side by side to where the voice was coming from. "I's been lookin' for ya everywhere!" Kid Blink yelled as he ran up to his closest friends.

"Blink," Mush groaned. "Out of all the lousy times for ya ta get in trouble, it had ta be now?!" he asked. Blink stopped and looked from Mush to Feister. It took him a few moments, to realize what was going on he said, "Oh....were ya gonna ask." Blink tilted his head to Feister. "An' what makes ya say I's got in trouble?" he asked.

"Don't worry Blinky boy, Mush brains already asked," Feister said with a small laugh. She honestly wasn't all too surprised that Kid Blink had walked in on her little moment. It happened before, and it probably wouldn't be the last time someone would ruin the little moments.

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