The Note

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The sun light spilled through the window as it always did in the morning. Feister's eyes fluttered opened to see the bright rays casting into her little bedroom. The small girl groaned and turned to the other side of the bed to get just a little more sleep before - "RISE AN' SHINE SLEEPIN' BEAUTY!" Race's voice rang through the air.

"SHUT UP AN' LEMME SLEEP IN FOR ONCE YA WALKIN' BLUEBERRY!" Feister shouted back as she pulled the covers over her head to drown out the noise.

"IF I'S SAID IT ONCE, I'S SAID IT A THOUSAND TIMES! GET OFF YER LAZY LITTLE BUM AN' GET A MOVIN'!" Race yelled back before walking away to wake up the other boys. Feister mentally slapped Race for waking her up a peaceful sleep (again), but, nevertheless the news girl rolled out of bed and starting getting ready for the day. Feister grabbed her torsos and put them on. The familiar feeling of having her legs separated by the two holes put Feister at ease. While it was nice feeling like an actual girl for once, she realized it was much better being a scrappy news girl than a proper young lady. Anyways, Feister pulled up her suspenders and adjusted them before throwing on her flannel shirt. She quickly braided her hair and slapped her cap on before tucking the two bundles of hair under it. Smiling to herself, Feister walked out of her room just in time to see the morning's chaos.

"This is what you get for runin' my dream!" Albert shouted as he ran around the room with none other than Race's cigar in hand. "Mornin' Feisty!" the redhead greeted as he ran past the younger girl.

"A leg of lamb dream ain't that deep ya tomato!" Race yelled back. "Heya sunshine! Glad ta see you'se decided ta show yer pretty face," Race said as he ran past Feister, who couldn't help but laugh. It was like that every morning. No matter what the boys were doing, whether they were walking past, chasing the other, or in the middle of a heated augment, the boys always said "morning" to Feister as they past her room.

"There's my favorite goil," an all too familiar voice chirped.

"Heya Mush brains," Feister replied as she turned to face Mush.

"So, how'd ya sleep?" Mush asked while leaning his shoulder on the door frame.

"On my back," Feister replied in a sweet voice and a smirk across before she walked over to the sink.

"Yer a tease Feister Johnson," Mush called as Feister walked off. Feister looked back and gave him the most innocent look as if to say, "who me? Never". Feister then laughed before grabbing a washcloth and some soap so she could wash up for the day.

"We's all knew ya got it real bad for little Feisty. So just give up while yer ahead," Kid Blink said as he walked past his (hopelessly in love) best friend.

"Whatever," Mush grumbled with an eye roll as he walked to the sink. When he got there Feister splashed him a bit while laughing as a playful look came into her eyes. "Yer lucky I love you," Mush said deadpanned. But secretly he was smiling to see Feister so happy, plus, a little water wasn't going to ruin his good mood. Last night had been amazing, Mush got to take Feister out on a date, and though it did rain, he wouldn't change anything if he could.

"I'm lucky?" Feister asked with that look on her face. "Yer lucky I haven't soaked yer sorry little butt yet. An' trust me. There has been many times when I coulda done that." though Feister had fun last night, she was still the tough news girl who ran her mouth. Plus, where was the fun in being a goody good?

"One day yer gonna ruin my reputation," Mush replied.

"Since when do ya have a reputation Meyers?" Feister asked while crossing her arms. She knew she had him there because he didn't say anything. "Whatsa matter?" she asked sweetly. "Cat got yer tongue?"

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