fears and beginnings : january 1, 2019

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fireworks pollute the sky with beautiful destruction.
we kiss during the moment, lights flashing and kids running.
balloons fall around us, distant parties settle in.
two years from now, i won't be isolated in the background.
i have to prepare to leave school and be in my own control.
it seems we're always changing, whether we want to or not.
i've been begging for an escape forever.
now my window is here, and i don't know how to look through the glass.
we feel forced to think, but our decisions have already been made.
how will we reach our success?
antagonized by my euphoric dreams, maybe i should stop believing.
but what fun would that be?
memories of a twisted mind swirl into a big blur.
behind teary eyes, i see all that could be.
what i'm reaching for is right beneath my fingertips.
i forget how to grab right before i wake up.
centuries pass in their exoteric lives slower by the second.
they hope for you to be like them one day too.
being stuck in this town is becoming more and more unappealing.
we choose to ignore any inconveniences to our plans.
it kills us to realize that facts aren't always on our side.
isn't it lovely how these standards have been set too high?
forget about exploring the world, you need to save up to spend your next paycheck.
any minute you could be evicted from your doll-sized apartment.
growing up seemed so much more magical as a kid.
now i'm just hoping i'll even be able to make it.
i've built up this image and endless scare tactics.
at least i didn't give up on myself, no matter how close i came to that.
maybe things will be easier than they seem in the end.

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