Chapter 9

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I was in the bathroom and getting ready, Matt was in the other bathroom so that Cam or Nash wouldn’t freak out.  I was bored and wanted to check on Emilie, considering everything was happening right now.

~Hey Em, hows it going? ~

~Great, mom doesn’t have osteosarcoma.  Hows MAGCON, got a new boyfriend? ~

~you know how Cam is, he would never let me date one of them, but I do have my eye on one of them~

~SNAP, Sophia’s gotta crush, does Cam know about this? ~

~NO and I plan on making it stay that way~

I didn’t respond to Emilie, if I did I would’ve told her about the kiss and she would have instantly told Cam, or she would’ve made me tell him myself.  I heard a knock at the door and opened it to see that Nash and Cam were standing at the doorway.  I shut the door, “Matt, get the door somebody is here”.  I walked to the table and cleared it off.  Matt answered the door and Cam and Nash came and put all of the food on the table.  “Hey what was that for by the way?” “Cam the table was dirty and I wanted it to be nice and clean for y’all to eat on” I said with a smile.  I ran to the bathroom and I got Matt. “Hey get the lipstick off your lips.” I freaked out.  “Sophia, where is Matt?” “He is using the bathroom right now, he should be out in a minute” I sat down and and started eating right away.  Matt came out shortly after and started eating.  We finished eating and Nash and Cam finished getting ready.  We left our room to go and get the boys for the first show of the weekend.

Cam and I walked on stage together after Matt and Nash introduced us.  We walked out and waved to everybody.  Cam picked up a microphone and said "Hello cuties” Matt looked at me and smiled, I winked at him quickly.  I picked up a microphone, “Hey everybody are you guys having fun?” The audience screamed even louder.  Time went on and we were playing games and having fun.  At the end Nash made an announcement “I think I can speak for all of us and say that we had an amazing time.  I can’t wait to see you all tomorrow!” At the same time all of us on the stage said “GOOD-BYE” into our microphones and walked off stage like we were soldiers, we went backstage and talked about how great the show was.


We were discussing on how the show went when I got a text from Soph.

~Hey Cam, can we go back to the room? Its kind of an emergency~

~Sure I’ll ask Matt and Nash if they want to come with~

I decided to start a group message of the people in our room.  New Message: Nash Grier, Matthew Espinosa, Sofa My Lil Sis

~Hey, Soph needs to go back to the room, she said its an emergency, do y’all want to come with?~

~Cam if you and Nash want to stay, I can take Sophia to the room? Sophia what is the emergency?~

~Well it may just happen to be that time of the month again, also if one of you wants to go to the store and get me some supplies, that would be amazing!~

~Matt are you sure that you wanna go up there, I can go its fine.~

“Nash and I have to go to Walmart, does anybody need anything?” Nobody responded so Nash and I walked out.  I didn’t really ask Nash if he wanted to come but I didn’t want to go alone and he was one of the only people who probably would go with me.  Matt and Soph left with us but turned to go back to the hotel.

Blue Diamond*Cameron Dallas and Matthew Espinosa*Where stories live. Discover now