Chapter 21

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I woke up the next morning in terrible pain, I had a cast on my leg.  “We can leave, we were waiting for you to wake up to go home.” Cameron had Sofa on his back and Nash had Michelle on his.  “Get in the wheelchair, and give the crutches to Nash.” I did as Cameron said and he pushed me in the wheelchair.  I grabbed Sofa’s foot with my hand and held it there.  Why couldn’t this just be a normal day? We got into the elevator and went down to the garage.  Cameron pushed me to the car and he helped me in.  Sofa and Nash sat in the back seat with me and Michelle sat in front with Cam.  We drove back to the hotel.  We took the back entrance so that fans couldn’t see us.  We got into the room and we had to start packing our stuff to go to Dallas.  Our flight is tomorrow at 8 am.  I basically just sat there and watched Cam put my stuff into my suitcase.  We were going to go to the laundromat so that we could wash all of our clothes, but Cam and Sofa have a house in Dallas that we were staying at.  Nash and Cam picked me up and put me onto my bed.  It was just the 3 of us in this room, the girls wanted to share the king sized bed in the other room.

We woke up the next morning and instantly rushed out of the hotel and got into a cab that took us to the airport.  We got to go into the plane early because I was in a wheelchair and Sophia and Michelle had minor injuries.  We got to our seat.  I was sitting with Sophia Marie Dallas, while Nash, Cam, and Michelle sat in the seats next to us.  I took out my phone to text Brooke, I wanted her to know that we were coming now because she was there with her friends for a school trip.

~Hey Brooklyn, we are leaving now, see you in Dallas~

We took off and I no longer had any service. “Are you excited to be going to Dallas, and to see our house?” “Yes Sofa, I am.  I can’t wait to see it.” I was excited to see this amazing house that I have been told all about.  “So how are we splitting up with the rooms?” “You are going to have to ask Mr. Cameron Alexander Dallas about that sir.” I got out my phone because I wasn’t going to shout across the plane.

~Who is sleeping where with who?~

~Um I guess we can do by twins or we can all just sleep together in the basement and make a huge bed~

~How about we just make a huge bed in the basement~

~Sounds good with me, or are you just doing that so you can cuddle with me? ;)~

“Mr. Cameron Alexander Dallas said that we can just make a huge bed so that Cam and I can cuddle” “You boys are just so weird sometimes” “But thats why you love us.” “You make a good point” Sofa fell asleep on my shoulder and I put my head on top of hers and fell asleep.

Blue Diamond*Cameron Dallas and Matthew Espinosa*Where stories live. Discover now