Chapter 22

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I heard a whole lot of commotion, “we need to call their legal guardians.” “2 of the kids are their legal guardians” “Sophia Marie and Cameron Alexander Dallas” Where was I, I couldn’t open my eyes.  “Well we can’t exactly call them.  They are in the same issue.” What is the issue I just wanted to hold Sofa, and I wanted to be able to see the guys again.  What about Brooklyn.


I was sitting down inside the Dallas’ house.  I was wondering when they would all be here.  I sat down onto the other sofa, I got a call from somebody so I picked up the phone and answered it.  “Hello” “Is this Brooklyn Amanda Espinosa?” “Yes this is.  May I ask who is calling?” “This is the hospital, we need you to report here as soon as possible.” I hung up the phone and I started crying. I got up and walked into the kitchen and crabbed what I assumed to be Cam’s car keys.  I got into the car and started driving to the hospital.  I got to the end of the street and stopped, I had no idea where the hospital was.  I looked out the window and Cam’s neighbor Taylor must have saw me.  “Hey Brooklyn, do you need anything?” “Yea I need you to drive me to the hospital and stay with me.” I got into the passenger seat.  Taylor got into the car.  “Whats up, are you okay?” “I got a call from the hospital, they told me to report to the hospital asap.” “Okay so why are you crying?” “Matt, Cam, Nash, Sophia, and Michelle were on an airplane coming home.  They wouldn’t just call me for no reason.” Taylor kept driving.  I saw it in his face that he was going to cry.  His eyes got all watery but he didn’t let it out.  He was being strong for me.

We got to the hospital.  “Brooke get on my back, it’ll be faster than you walking with water in your eyes.” I got onto his back and Taylor ran inside.  “This is Brooklyn Amanda Espinosa and she was called here.” “Thats fine sir, just follow me.” Taylor followed the lady into a room.  I looked up and I saw what I didn’t want to see.  Matt and Cam in hospital beds.  “Where are the rest of them?” “These were the only 2 injured out of the group of 5.  The rest are still at the airport.” “So what happened to these 2.” “There had been a mass killing attempt and your brother and legal guardian had the guts to try and stop the man.” Of course.  The 2 people I had cared most about.  Matthew, because he was my brother, he was the only thing I had left.  And Cameron.  I loved Cam, like a brother actually my father and he was my 1st crush,  I still have a small crush on him.  I did like Nash a whole lot more though. “Are they going to be okay?” Taylor started speaking for me because I couldn’t handle this anymore.  “They should be fine.  I’m not quite sure though I will have to ask Doctor O’Neill.” The nurse walked out of the room.  A few minutes later a woman walked in. “They should be okay, they aren’t in the best condition but better than before.  They are in critical condition though and may need surgery.” I ran over to Cam.  I kissed his forehead.  “I love you Cam, I always have and I always will no matter what happens.”  Taylor gave me the weirdest look.  “I thought you and Nash had a thing.” “Well, Cam and I had a thing a few years ago.  Then Nash came into the picture.” “Oh I see, Michelle stole your man, so then why do you have a thing with Nash?” “It started out as me trying to get back at Cam, dating his best friend.  Then I started falling for Nash.”


I still hated Brooke for doing that to me, I just thought she always liked Nash. “WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU FUCKIN DO THAT TO ME?” “Cam, you’re awake?” “YES I AM, AND I WOULD LIKE AN EXPLANATION ON WHY YOU DID THAT TO ME.” I was so fuckin pissed off right now.  I loved her and once I checked Michelle out, I knew it was a mistake but Brooklyn thought that Michelle and I were dating.  

“Mr. Caniff, I think you need to leave now.  Maybe stand in the hall for a few minutes.” “No, I want Taylor in here, backing me up! Could you please give us a minute?” Brooklyn was yelling at the doctor.  The doctor nodded her head and walked out of the room. “You never liked Michelle?” “Well, I love her now. I loved you Brooklyn, and that was the biggest mistake of my life. Once I lost you I didn’t know what to do with myself.” “Cam, now I’m dating Nash. I love you though, and I always will. But you broke my heart.” “WHY ARE YOU ALL SCREAMING?” I ran over to Matt’s bed. “Caniff call the doctor back in!” Taylor ran out into the hallway looking for the doctor. “You’re alright.” “I’m just a little sore, that’s all.” I looked over at Cam who was smiling at the sight of Matt being awake. He looked at me. “Brooklyn, I’m sorry. But right now, I’m so happy that we’re both awake and alive.” “You are both awake! That is amazing! We are getting an ambulance to bring Nash, Sophia, and Michelle over. We are going to run a few tests on you both to see how your doing, we are going to need you guys to leave the room.” The doctor pointed at Taylor and I. We walked out of the room. “Taylor I’m scared.”

Blue Diamond*Cameron Dallas and Matthew Espinosa*Where stories live. Discover now