Chapter 17

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“DARE” I saw Shawn think for a second. “I dare you to go make-out with Matthew Lee Espinosa down the hallway for 3 minutes.”  I knew it was his way of getting back at Cam.  I got up and grabbed Matt’s hand to help him up. “Should y’all come with so that they don’t think we are just doing random things?” They all agreed with me and got up, we crawled to a different spot so that they wouldn’t find out what room we had.  We crawled down the hall and got up and walked toward the center.  Matt and I started kissing.  “Timer started” was all I heard, the fans where going nuts.  Matt picked me up and put me on the ledge.  I sat there for 3 minutes just kissing him.  Finally somebody said “TIMES UP” Matt picked me up and we continued kissing.  Matt walked down the hallway following the guys and we took the back way to get to our room.  When we got back and Matt sat down, we kissed for another minute or 2 and then we stopped.  Shawn was smiling and I winked at him.  I probably would’ve stopped kissing Matt when the time was up.  But I knew that was making Cameron go crazy. “Cameron Alexander Dallas, truth or dare?” “Truth” I needed to think of a good one, thats when it hit me.  “Is is true that you have feelings for Michelle Grier?” Michelle was one of my best friends and she was Nash’s twin.  She couldn’t come because something came up.  Cameron’s face went bright red.  “Speaking of my twin, she is coming in tomorrow, why don’t we finish or continue our game then?” Nash said in a fast voice, motioning everybody to the door.  Everybody left and Nash, Cam, Matt and I stayed sitting on the floor. “So Nash, Michelle is coming?” “Yep she is aren’t you excited?” “Yes I’m ecstatic, why is she coming now all the sudden?” “Well her boyfriend was having a huge party tomorrow, but they broke up yesterday and the soonest flight that mom was okay with was tomorrow.” I felt upset that some guy would break her heart.  “So Matt when is your twin coming?” The thing that was weird is we were all boy/girl twins and we all had a twin.  “Brooke is coming is coming next weekend.  She is meeting us in Dallas.” “Yes, I will be reunited with the girls in a week.” We sat there for a little while and just talked about random things. “So Sofa I heard that you kissed Matt first?” Nash said while Cameron laughed.  I nodded and I could feel Matt heat up. “Well why did you kiss him first?” I thought about what I should say in my head, I couldn’t tell them the real reason, I could.  But then Cam would know about the osteosarcoma.  “Well I kissed him because I was really excited about something that Emilie had told me.” “What did she tell you, how come I didn’t know about it?” Cam was now questioning and I had to tell him.  I grabbed Matt’s hands in my lap and held them tightly in mine.  “Well Cam, right before we left for the trip, Emilie called me and told me that mom has osteosarcoma, she was tested and it came back positive.  Then when we got here she sent me a text that it was a false alarm and that they test was wrong, that the multiple other test she took said that she was negative.” Cameron looked like he was going to cry. “Why didn’t you tell me any of this Sophia?” “I wasn’t going to tell you until I knew it was final, and that was the final verdict” “I could kill you right now Sophia.” My grip on Matt’s hands hardened, his hands were white, I was cutting off circulation right now.  Matt helped me up and stood in front of me.  “You can’t get mad at her for trying to protect you.” Matt was getting mad.  “You’re not touching her, you will not hurt her.” Nash could tell that Cam was going to hit Matt so he got up and grabbed his hands.  “Lets all just go to bed, I want to be in a good mood when Michelle comes tomorrow.” Nash held Cam back while Matt walked me into the bathroom, we waited in there for a short amount of time.  Matt looked at me and he saw the fear in my eyes. “Everything is going to be okay.” I was going to cry, I knew he was lying to me.  Matt couldn’t sing but he sang me lyrics from my favorite song.

I'm not worried

'bout the ring you wear

'Cause as long as no one knows then nobody can care

You're feelin' guilty and I'm well aware

But you don't look ashamed and baby I'm not scared, I'm singing

Follow me, everything is alright

I'll be the one to tuck you in at night

And if you want to leave, I can guarantee

You won't find nobody else like me

“Thanks Matt, I don’t know what I would do without you.” “I don’t know what I would do without you” Matt carried me out of the bathroom and he carried to my bed so I could get my clothes to change into.  He picked me up again and carried me to the bathroom.  He put me down. “I love you Sophia Marie Dallas” He said walking out of the bathroom. “I love you Matthew Lee Espinosa.” I got into the shower and changed into my pjs after.  I put my hair in a braid and went through my skincare routine.  I walked out of the bathroom and I went into the main room where the guys were talking.  I went up to Cam and kissed him on the cheek and followed with a goodnight. I then went up to Nash and kissed him on the cheek followed by a goodnight. I then went up to Matt and kissed him on the cheek and said goodnight. After I said goodnight I kissed him on the lips and went up into my bed and fell asleep.

Blue Diamond*Cameron Dallas and Matthew Espinosa*Where stories live. Discover now