I'm Nothing (Chapter 2)

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Hiccup POV

Well this is what it's come to. Please feel free to have pity on us. That's pretty much all we have left. I'm sure you know our story by now. The well known criminals expected to destroy Pitch and failed miserably causing them to lose one of our dear friend/leader. Pitch even stole Toothless from me.

Well, right now we are in an abandoned warehouse. I hate the look of this place every time I walk in. The dust and wood shavings fills your nostrils with disgust. The loud echoes of the large building rings in your ears. The darkness engulfs your eyes whole. I despise this place even more now.

This place use to be a wood furnishing company. Which explains all the wood carvings and wood shavings everywhere. The gang is still here, every last one of them. They just are....well...not in great condition.

I act normal but inside, I'm just.....just..hurt and..alone.

Merida, my new girlfriend, has gotten into an intense habit of shooting arrows at the slightest mention of Elsa, Pitch, or death.

Eugene barely talks anymore, but he talks to his girlfriend, Rapunzel, a lot.

Rapunzel she hasn't taken the loss very well. She cries for an hour everyday.

Kristoff is always in la la land most of the time.

Anna I haven't even heard her speak since Elsa's death. I can tell by the look in her eyes she doesn't think we trust her. But surprise we do. We learned that from Elsa.

Then there is Jack. Well, I'm on my way to see him right now so you'll see.

I walked up the gray stairs to the attic. Trying to be extra careful not to fall. I walked along the hallway to the middle door. I'm guessing this use to be where the manager worked in. I knocked on the door and waited.


I sighed and opened the door. Jack was crouched next to the window with his hoodie over his head.

"How you doing?" I said as I crouched in front of him.


I nodded my head in awkward silence.

"Um.. everyone wants to see yo-" I was cut off.

"Hiccup, I don't want to go anywhere right now." he said bluntly.

"Don't want to go anywhere! You never go anywhere!" I spat.

Oh and I regret saying anything in the first place. He turned away from the window and looked at me. His face was expressionless I could feel his eyes burning holes in my face.

"Um.....Elsa wouldn't-" I was cut off.

"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT SHE WANTS!" he yelled standing up clenching his hands.

I stood up in horror. I mean Jack has yelled at me plenty of times but never like that.

"Without her I'm nothing." he said.

I nodded slowly and felt this was no longer the time to talk. I walked to the door and turned my head. Jack was in the same position he was when I walked in. I sighed and walked out the door.

Jack POV

I stared at the afternoon sky. The clouds covered it in a light shade of grey. It reminded me a lot about snow. Since Elsa past I haven't even been able to touch my staff. Elsa. I still have an image of her. Those beautiful blue eyes. Her perfect pink lips. The graceful way she moved her hands when she used her powers. The way she put others needs before her own. The way she tried her best to make others.......happy.

I walked to the desk where my staff lays. I picked it up and twirled it in my hands admiring it's wooden sides. I tapped it on the floor and the room was engulfed in frost. Some snowflakes danced around me in a synchronized dance. For the first time in forever I actually smiled. I felt a gust of cold wind blow behind me and I turned around.

"Elsa?" I said hesitantly.

She smiled and ran up to me as I did the same. I embraced her in a hug. I missed her touch. I felt cold tears fall on my jacket. I held her tight against my chest as she held me tight with her arms wrapped around my neck. I broke the hug but kept my arms around her waist.

"Y-your alive?" I said.

I saw a tint of sadness in her eyes as she nodded no.

"But then?" I asked

"I don't have time to explain. Right now I need you to save the world. Save me."she said.

"How?" I said confused.

"Find HER. She'll know by instinct what to do. There isn't a lot of time. You need to get out of here before its too late." she said.

I gave a sad nod realizing this is my last time seeing her.

She hugged me tight," I love you."

"I love you too." I said running my fingers through her loose hair.

"I'll see you again." she said.


I woke from my slumber. I grabbed my staff that was still on the desk and put my hand on the doorknob.

"I'll do this for you, Elsa." I said as I opened the door.

You'll never believe what I saw.


Hey everyone I worked really hard on this chapter so I hope you enjoyed it. I tried to be extra descriptive for you.

Did anyone see the new Once Upon A Time episode I was amazed.

Anyways thanks for reading and bye.

Love you

*Throws thanks for reading snowballs*

Keep Calm & Be Excited.


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