Old Friends (Chapter 11)

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Hiccup POV

I put pressure on Eugene's wound. Rapunzel was crying a bit but trying to hide it from Eugene.

Rapunzel, Eugene, and I were riding on Toothless with the "angels" flying by our side. Merida, Reg, and Jack put our bikes on a broken down car in the parking lot and hotwired it.

"Rapunzel, it WILL work. Your hair glowed back there. Your his only hope." I told her.

She nodded rapidly then closed her eyes as she wrapped Eugene.

Flower gleam and glow

Let your power shine

Make the clock reverse

Bring back what once was mine

Heal what has been hurt

Change the Fate's design

Save what has been lost

Bring back what once was mine

What once was mine

As expected her hair did glow and healed Eugene. Who knew that what should be a happy miracle would turn into a sad realization.

Rapunzel sat quietly through the whole flight. She didn't make one sound yet she continued to cry silently. No matter Eugene's constant questions Rapunzel stared quietly into the now rising sun(Remember this).

Repeating the words "It's my fault."

~A long flight later~

Jack POV

"Come on, guys. They're over here." I said.

We walked into the gloomy, wet alleyway. I've been here a couple times, but I already know I'm not welcomed here.

I turned my head towards the group. Each person  aimed carefully at every corner and crack.

I moved to the door hidden by a dumpster and sewagedrain. I knocked on the dirty door in front of me and waited.

As soon as a glimmer of light was shone I fell flat on my butt.

"Um ow, jeez I know your mad but-" I said as Kristoff helped me up and I rubbed my jaw.

"But you deserved every bit of that punch." He said.

"Honey, leave poor Jack alone. Come on in you guys." Fiona said.

Well now you know them, my old friends Shrek and Fiona. ( brought to you by a request of a reader) I walked in and was attacked by three little kids that I remember well.

"Fergus, Farkle, Felicia!" I yelled as they dropped me to the floor.

"Okay kids, that's enough. I believe its your time to sleep, its past noon."

"Okay Mommy." The three toddlers yelled as they scurried away.

I finally got a better view of the old man. He had fair skin, brown, sleek hair, plain white shirt with a brown leather jacket, brown pants and boots.

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