Chapter Two

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Next thing I knew when I woke up was that I was in a bunk, I didn’t know where I was and all I could think about was what the doctor told me. Suddenly my bunk curtain was pulled back and a girl was right in front of me, “Hi you must be Lolita?” asked the girl “ye…yes” I said “my name is Allie” said the girl who I just found out her name was Allie

“Um hello Allie... Can I ask where I am?” “Of course! Well we are currently in Houston but we will be moving soon to go to Austin” Allie said “in America?” “Why yes… wait you’re not from America aren’t you?” asked Allie “No…. I’m from Australia” I said starting to cry. “Oh darling! Come here” said Allie as she scooted into my bunk and held me as I cried “you do know that you’re...” “A vampire? Yes” I said “so you do know that some of the things humans say aren’t true?” Allie asked, “What things?” I asked “like how garlic doesn’t do anything to us, we can see our refection, we can go into people’s houses without being asked to and sunlight doesn’t do any harm to us but we do not like crosses at all!” Allie said “oh well can I get refreshed and get new clothes to wear?” I asked “yeah you can wear some of my clothes and you can use the bathroom, the boys are in the front room and they aren’t going to see you until later” Allie said passing me some clothes.

“Allie baby, I know we are not allowed to see the girl until later but I can pleeeease see her since you love me and I am your husband who I miss you dearly, I will only see her not any of the others” a man’s voice said. “Ry, you be allowed to see her when she gets freshened up but don’t tell any of the guys okay?” Allie said to the guy who was on the other of the door. “Alright baby, tell me when” the man’s voice said before hearing footsteps walking away. “That’s my husband Ryan, wait… it is okay for him to see you?” Allie asked “yeah he can see me, I don’t mind” I said before walking into the small bathroom.

I washed my hair and body since I felt very dirty and then hopped out of the shower to dry myself then put the clothing Allie gave me on. I dried my hair off a bit so the water wouldn’t drop onto me or my clothing but left it wet enough for it to dry naturally which is in loose curls, I walked out and asked Allie if I could borrow some of her make up. She handed me her make up then walked with me back into the bathroom, she asked if she could do my makeup which I allowed her to. After that I was finished and Allie brought in her husband Ryan, who looked strangely familiar.

“Ryan this Lolita, Lolita this is my husband Ryan” Allie said introducing us “wow you will be perfect for him!” Ryan said automatically “perfect for whom?” I asked “nobody has told you who you’re partnered with haven’t they?” asked Allie “who am I partnered with?” I said starting to get a little panicky “you will soon see” Ryan said covering for Allie.

“Ryan are you in there with Allie and the girl?” a mysterious voice said “yes I am ghost and you won’t see her” Ryan said back “why do you get to see her?’  The mysterious man whose name is Ghost asked “because I am married to Allie and she loves me so very much that she allows me to see the girl first” Ryan said back again. “I do have a name you know” I mumbled “oh sorry Lolita” Ryan said quickly, “HER NAME IS…” Ghost yelled out before Ryan opened the door and pulled him into the room.

The man whose name is Ghost looked me up and down then smirked at me, “the names Devin but I get called Ghost” Devin introducing himself “I’m Lolita” I said starting to get shy under Devin’s presence “Devin, stop messing with her!” Allie scolded Devin. I looked over at Allie confused, “we all have powers as humans would say and Devin’s already used his on you” Allie said then I nodded in response.

“Oh Allie, lighten up!” Devin said, “Shut it Sola! I am the one who is looking after her until Chris does” Allie barked back at Devin. Wait… I knew who they were now… It’s Motionless in White! One of my most favourite bands! Holy shit! Devin ‘Ghost’ Sola is in front of me and so is Ryan Sitkowski, I think I may pass out! As soon as I thought that I ended up passing out, “look what you done Devin! You made her faint” I heard as I felt something wet on my forehead. I started to wake up and saw Ryan, Allie and Devin hovering over me, Allie was the one who pressed a wet cloth on my forehead.

“Are you alright?” asked Ryan “ye…yeah, I think” I said as I sat up, “yo Devin, Ryan we have to leave to do sound check” a voice said “yeah we’ll be out in a minute Ang” Ryan said. “Allie will you take Lolita out shopping for clothes when we get out? I’ll text you the time when we’re meant to finish so you can quickly put Lolita in the bus with you” Ryan said handing Allie money for me “thanks babe see you later” Allie said and kissed Ryan on the cheek. Allie heard the door shut then went out front to check that everyone was gone then came back to me, “you ready to go shopping?” she asked I nodded and got up then we left to go to the mall.

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