Chapter Nine ~ With the little piece of you that's left in me

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*Lolita’s P.O.V.*

“I can’t believe this is happening! God I am so stupid! Why did this HAVE to happen? FUCK!” I was thinking to myself. “Lolita, wait” I heard Chris shout out but I kept walking.

I got to the bunk area and hopped into a random bunk that I knew that wasn’t used, I heard Chris walk past where I was and a few minutes after I heard him walking back into the area I was in, and heard curtains being opened and close. Oh how I hope Chris doesn’t find me I thought to myself. I saw the bunk I was in curtain open, “no she’s not here” I heard Chris mumble as he walked away. This continued for a while and I could sense that everyone was starting to get concerned about my whereabouts but also about Chris, I know they don't want Chris to get hurt or be upset because of me. I sometimes wish my life would be easier but I guess not everyone can have it all.

I heard Chris pace back and forth a million times and I decided to show myself to him, I opened up the bunk curtain slightly and when Chris was walking past I grabbed his hand and tugged it. I saw him stop and look down slightly confused, he was about to walk away when I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the bunk I was hiding in.   

“Lolita!” Chris whisper shouted,

“Hi” I said shyly.

“Have you always been in this bunk?” Chris asked me


“You made me get so worried and I don’t care about what you said because I love you too, I’ve felt that I have loved you ever since the day I saw you.” Chris said while picking up his speed in his voice

“Whoa, whoa whoa Chris, calm down” I said trying to calm down Chris.

“Sorry” He said looking down

“hey… there’s nothing to be ashamed on, I do the same thing sometimes as well” I said trying to make him feel better.

“Loli, can-can I do something?” He asked nerviously

“What did you wanna do?”

“This” Chris said before he kissed me.

Chris tasted like the most sweetest thing and I know that I won’t be able to stop myself kissing him ever again. We started to kiss some more and after a few minutes we both pulled away to catch some air.

“w-wow” I said speechless

“Lolita, I know this may seem quick but will you be my girlfriend?” Chris asked.  I didn’t even need to think about that answer!

“Yes Chris…. I will be your girlfriend” I said kissing him again.

“Awwwwwwh!” I heard so Chris and I turned around to see Allie awestruck,

“What are you doing?” Chris asked in a confused voice.

“We heard you not pacing anymore Mr Impatient Pacer so the guys asked to check up on you and I saw a bunk curtain open so I was standing near the bunk and I saw you two kiss and you asking her out and Lolita saying yes which I couldn’t keep my trap shut and went awwwwwh” Allie said to Chris without a breath

“Calm down horsey! Take a deep breath then let it out” I said

“ok ok ok! I’ll let you guys have your alone time” Allie said with a wink towards the end.

“My god Al” Chris said with a groan, we heard Allie giggle as she walked away.

“OH MY GOSH GUYS THEY ARE GOING OUT!” We heard Allie squeal to the guys, we laughed at how she was acting and cuddled up together in the bunk I was hiding in.


Awwwh! How cute, they're going out! What do you guys think?

Sorry if it makes no sense, I'm half asleep while I've been typing this up. I had a few friends over for the weekend to celebrate my sixteenth and we didn't get to sleep till REALLY late then I had to wake up at 6.30am today since I have to go to school and I'm so tiiiired!!!!

Hopefully I get another chapter up tomorrow and very soon there will be some drama!

Read, comment, vote, put in reading lists, become a fan of me and just be pure awesome.

Song title in chapter; Where The City Meets The Sea by The Getaway Plan.

They are an Australian band and are pretty good, so go check them out! :D

Lolita ~ A Motionless In White storyWhere stories live. Discover now