Chapter Six ~ Say all that you have to say

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“Since you and everyone else in this band know that you are Chris’ mate, we’re just warning you to just not stuff up on this. We don’t really know you to quickly judge you but we don’t want Chris hurt like last time” Josh said.

“I do not plan on hurting Chris since I know what it does feel like but what do you mean with you saying we don’t want Chris hurt like last time?” I asked Josh and Ricky

“Us vampires can still date like humans even if we haven’t found our mate” Ricky said,


“Well Chris fell in love with this girl and he thought that they were mates but once he found her and another guy fucking each other and she admitted that she was never in love with him nor even liked him, she was just using him. It broke him apart, he started to hate himself and became weaker since vampires can’t really deal with heart break very well. We just don’t want him in that same situation and it will literally kill him if you break his heart like if he broke your heart you could possibly die” Josh said.  

“I know I might sound crazy but since I met Chris and spoke to him I feel like there is a spark between us and I am never going to hurt Chris in any type of way since I am not that person” I explained to Josh and Ricky

The door opened and out came Angelo, “I got told to tell you that we’re leaving in a few minutes”

“Oh thanks dude” Ricky said as we climbed back onto the bus.

“Everything right?” Chris asked as I sat next to him,

“Everything is perfect babe” I said back smiling at Chris.

Did I actually call Chris babe? And was I actually falling head over heels for Chris even if I have only been with the Motionless in White crew for a few days already? The things that were buzzing throughout my head, Allie gave me a look to ask what’s wrong and I gave her a look as I was saying “talk to me later”.


I'll be trying to update as much as I can, I was menat to update yesterday but I ended up doing other things so I couldn't but at least I have updated today. I'll try to update on Friday if I'm not busy trying to get things for Saturday night since I'm having a little sleep over with some friends of mine to celebrate my sixteenth, which I turned sixteen on the 8th of October.

Please tell me your thoughts on this, it can be harsh or even good. I don't mind :)

Anyways the lyrics for the chapter title are Scene two - Roger Rabbit by Sleeping With Sirens.

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