Chapter Fifteen ~ I kissed the scars on her skin.

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“Chris you gotta help her!” screamed Allie with tears streaming down her face, everyone looked like they were about to break because of Lolita laying there. I guess everyone had a piece of Lolita in their hearts, I won’t let her die! I slid the sleave of my shirt up and bit into my arm, I opened Lolita’s mouth up a tiny bit and let my blood slide down her throat. A few minutes later Lolita started to gasp for air, SHE SURVIVED!

Lolita started to panic and look around, she looked around and saw me. She automatically calmed down,

“Chris...” she croaked

“Hush my love, I’m going to lift you up and give you some human blood. You’ll have to drink it then I will carry you back to your bunk and let you sleep so your better by tomorrow” I said calmly.

“Okay” Lolita said slightly grabbing onto me when I was carrying her to the couch, I went to the fridge and got out a blood packet. I walked back to the couch where Lolita was laying and fed her the blood packet, when she finished drinking all the blood I carried her again but to her bunk. I laid her down and she was already asleep when I laid her down,

“Goodnight my love, see you when you wake” I said kissing her forehead.


Sorry this is so short, it's bit of a filler.

To anyone who can guess the lyrics up above gets the next chapter dedicated to them, it's pretty easy to guess the lyrics.

I just want to thank JarviaKlipka for commenting, see Lolita hasn't died again... You get it... Since she's already a vampire? ha ha.. Oh thats lame..... Awkward... Hahah, in a weird mood guys. 

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