Chapter Nineteen ~ Why do you hurt me so bad?

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“Knock knock” said Ricky entering the bathroom

“Yeah babe” asked Jessica before kissing him on the cheek

“I was just seeing if you and Allie were ready yet so we can leave” Ricky said

“Almost ready, just need to put on our shoes” Allie and Jess said before leaving the room, I thought Ricky would go with them but he stayed in the room.

“So what’s happening between you and Chris?” Ricky asked leaning on the bathroom doorway

“I don’t know what you’re talking about” I said trying to make myself busy by putting the makeup and hair things away,

“We all can see there is something going on between you two, so what’s going on?”

“Ricky, to be honest I actually don’t know. I try to talk to Chris and he always does something else other than interact with me, it’s bothering me so much and I hate feeling the way I’m feeling” I said but with the last bit a said in a whisper, I hate showing my weaknesses.

“Try and talk to Chris tonight and if that doesn’t happen tell me or one of the other guys and we’ll talk to him for you” Ricky said giving me a hug before leaving me.

*Chris’ P.O.V.*

Lolita and I have been starting to be distant, I know it’s all my fault but I can tell that Lolita is starting to get upset about it. I know that the band and I have been awfully busy but tonight Ricky, Devin and Ryan are taking their girlfriends/wife out on a date, I’ve been thinking that maybe I should take Lolita on our first date but I’m not entirely sure. The girls were out on their girl’s day out thing while myself and the guys were stuck in interviews, currently we were on a slight break.

“Hey man what’s been happening between you and Loli?” asked Ricky

“To be honest I’m not exactly sure. I do have to admit that I have been ignoring her but I’m not sure why I have been, I can tell that she is starting to get upset about it but I don’t know what to do man” I said. 

“I honestly don’t know what to do, it’s your choice not mine but with whatever you do, DO NOT fuck up this relationship” Ricky sternly warned me.

“Yeah I know man” I said before having to go back to another interview but this interview was with weekender interviews

*during the interview*

“So we’ve heard that you Chris have a girlfriend, is that right?” the interviewer named Sally asked

“Um yeah, I do have a girlfriend currently” I said

“How did you guys meet?” Sally asked again, if I had it my way I probably would’ve broken her neck already. Her voice was starting to annoy the hell out of me and I need time to think on what I’m going to do with Lolita.

“Um through mutual friends” I said bluntly

“Alright then… so how do you guys like the new record ‘Infamous’ already?” Sally could sense that I didn’t want to talk about my girlfriend right now so she jumped straight into another question but asked Angelo.

“We all love the record, it’s expressed more of a sound that we love and has shown more from Chris’ point of view” Angelo said.

*time lapse to when the guys come back on the bus*

We finally finished all the interviews for the next 3 days which I’m so happy about! I already knew that the girls were getting ready for their dates and I could tell that Lolita was helping them. Ever since we have gotten together I can tell what Lolita is feeling which right now it seems that she has a little bit of envy and sadness in her right now but who could blame her? I have been an arse to her.

“You know yet what you’re gonna do with Lolita?” asked Ricky when he came back from getting ready to go on his date with Jess,

“Nah not yet, I honestly don’t know what I will do” I replied back

“Do whatever your gut feeling is telling you, that’s what I always do” Ricky said to me before getting up and heading towards where the bathroom is. A little while later Allie, Jess and Ricky were walking out to the front,

“Okay see you guys” they all shouted out to the remaining people left on the bus.

“Hmmm… what to do with Lolita” I asked myself heading towards where Lolita should be.


I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating for a few days, I've lost my school laptop charger and have to borrow people's chargers from now on until I can somehow get another charger that will fit my laptop.

Anyways, I want to thank everyone who has been reading this story and stuff like that.

More comments would be awesome!

What do you guys think Chris will do to make Lolita forgive him? Will he take her on date? If he does, where do you think he'll take her?

Chapter lyrics; Love Is A Battlefield by Pat Benatar.

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