Chapter Twenty Five ~ If you can wait till I get home.

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*Motionless In White boys P.O.V.*

We were all currently in an interview when suddenly we all felt horrible and we all blacked out,

“Boys, boys, boys, wake up” we heard a voice say. We woke up to see everyone look at us cautiously

“You guys alright? Our manager Josh said and we nodded,

“After all you guys passed out I think it would be best if you all went back onto your bus and rested up until the concert tomorrow” he said.

“I wonder why we all passed out” Ryan said

“Well we’re gonna find out as soon as we get on the bus” said Chris, we got into the van and the driver drove us to where our bus is and we got out.

“Something doesn’t seem right” Devin said

“I agree, something is out of place” Angelo said, we opened the door and Ricky shouted

“Girls we’re back”, got no answer so we had a look around to see that Allie and Lolita’s jackets and purses were gone.

“I think they left to go get some food” Ricky said opening the food cupboards, as soon as Ricky said that Chris growled

“I told Lolita that she couldn’t leave until we got back” he said

“Chill Chris, I’ll ring them and ask when they’ll be back” Ryan said getting his phone out of his pocket to ring Allie.


“Hey babe” Ryan said

“Why are you whispering?” he asked, we all suddenly got suspicious

“WHAT!?” he shouted

 “Why should I calm down? My own wife and friend/Chris’ girlfriend have just gotten kidnapped by some people, we don’t even know who they are! For all we know they could be working for Serena OR hunters, did Lolita tell you that Chris told her not to leave until we got back so this situation wouldn’t happen” Ryan yelled on the top of his voice, we all heard what Ryan said and Chris growled.

“Look after yourselves huh? Then why are you kidnapped?” we all crowed around Ryan and the phone, there was a slight pause and Ryan heard things being said on the phone. He must of heard something he didn’t like because suddenly Ryan shouted

“ALLIE BABE, YOU OK? ANSWER ME!”, another voice was on the phone to Ryan

“Who the fuck are you!? Why did you kidnap my wife and my friend?”

“Yeah I would love to know, so I have a reason to actually kill you” Ryan said warning the person on the other end of Allies phone

“HUNTER” Ryan snarled, we now all knew who the person is.

“Fuck up, who brought you onto us?”

“SERENA” Ryan growled, as soon as Ryan said that bitches name we all growled automatically tuning into vampire mode, the voice on the phone said something then hung up.

“I can’t believe she would go so low and hire out hunters just to get us back” Balz said

“Well that’s Serena for you, now what do we do?” Angelo said

“We have to try and find them before it’s too late” Chris said

“Did Allie mention anything about where she was?” Devin asked

“All she said was that she was in a basement of one of the guys who kidnapped her, well that’s what she thought” Ryan said

“Ang, try to go into Allies mind to try and find where she is” Chris demanded, Angelo walked away to find a space that was quiet so he could try and track the girls down. A short time later he came back,

“Any luck?” Ricky asked

“Nope, remember when she and Ryan started to go out and Ryan got all protective of her since at that time there were a lot of vampire murders going on around the places we were?” Angelo said

“Yeah?” Balz said

“Also remember when she got pissed off because of it so she got us blocked out of her mind?”


“Well she’s kept the block thing in her mind, so no luck with Allie” Angelo said

“Try Lolita” Chris said looking out the bus window

“I’ll try but I’m not sure with her” Angelo said walking back to where he was before.

“What are we going to do about the concerts Chris?” asked Ricky

“Not sure just yet, depends on what Angelo’s result is” Chris said sighing, why did this have to happen to me he thought.


OoOoOoO.... More drama, what do you guys think will happen now since the MIW boys know who kidnapped them?

This chapter is more longer and hopefully the next chapters are more longer since I will have to write more (most likely).

I would love to hear feedback from you guys since I know there are a lot of people who have read this.

On another note; Motionless In Whites new music video 'Devil Night' is coming out soon with their new album 'Infamous', pretty excited but are you guys the same?

Chapter song title; If It Means A Lot To You by A Day To Remember.

Lolita ~ A Motionless In White storyWhere stories live. Discover now