Chapter Twenty Seven ~ Thanks for making me a fighter.

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*Lolita and Allie’s P.O.V.*

We were about to escape up the stairs when a figure blocked off our exit

“Now girls, don’t play unfair with me” a female voice said

“Serena” Allie growled as she pushed Lolita behind her.

“You can’t always defend your precious Lolita Hill, she will get hurt one day” Serena sneered

“Well too fucking bad, she’s like a sister to me and I will defend her even if it means that I die” Allie said

“Looks like you have to die” Serena said pushing her down the stairs

“ALLIE” screamed Lolita as Allie came tumbling down the stairs

“Looks like your bodyguard can’t help you anymore” Serena said stepping closer to me

“I don’t need anyone help, I’m capable on destroying you myself” Lolita said as she stepped down a step

“You can’t even hurt a fly little own me” Serena said before pushing Lolita down the stairs. Lolita groaned in pain looking towards where Allie was laying and realised that she was awake.

“Lolita can you hear me? Blink twice if you can” Lolita heard a voice which was Allie’s in her head, she blinked twice and Allie’s voice continued to talk,

“Get up and get Serena to fight you, I’ll sneak up on her while she’s got her back turned on me and I’ll snap her”.

Lolita groaned and got up,

“Oh look she’s finally back up asking for more like a pathetic whore she is” Serena said laughing

“Get fucked!” Lolita groaned out

“I don’t wanna catch something” Serena said

“Oh but too late, you already have everything that is catchable in the book” Lolita said. Serena screamed and came running towards Lolita, Lolita stepped aside and Serena almost ran into a wall.

“Are you running away from me huh?” Serena said

“In your dreams” Lolita said before Allie getting up quickly as she flung Serena towards Allie,

“WHAT THE FUCK!?” Serena screamed

“Karmas a bitch” Allie said before snapping Serena’s neck causing her to drop to the floor and turn to ash.

“Looks like she won’t be coming back anymore” Lolita said looking down at the ash on the floor that was Serena

“Thank fuck for that!” Allie said before kicking Serena’s ash around

“Alright we better leave and find our way back to the guys” Allie said looking towards the basement door

“Your right, I just want Chris right now” Lolita said realising that she actually can’t live with him.

“I just want my husband and make love to his sweet sweet body” Allie said jokingly

“Oh ew like I needed to know!” Lolita squealed as she pushed Allie away from her laughing.

“It’s good that shit has finally stopped” Allie said

“Hopefully nothing else will happen” Lolita said hopefully.


Sorry this chapter was shit, didn't exactly know what to write but anyways, what do you guys think about what happened!? Glad that Serena the wicked witch is dead? Do you think there will be anymore trouble, if so what kind of trouble?

I want to thank TeaLangton, JarviaKlipka and PeacefulwayofWar for commenting/inboxing me :D

Keep up the comments and votes!

The first person who can guess the song from what the chapter title is gets the next chapter dedicated to them!

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