Chapter Ten ~ falling for a screaming that I'm right

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*A few days later*

It’s been a few days since Chris asked me to be his girlfriends and we’re now in the town where the guys live (Scranton, Pennsylvania) doing a couple of concerts.

Everyone who is around myself and Chris think we’re cute together and that we’ll last a long time but most people except the MIW guys and Allie don’t know we’re partnered as mates.  I’ve been feeling like something bad is going to happen soon but I don’t know what it is and what it’s going to do to me, I really do hope it doesn’t affect mine and Chris’ relationship.

*A few hours later*

I was backstage watching the guys perform, I wish Allie could be with me but she had to go sell merch. I was so interested in watching the guys that didn’t feel someone else with me, I was watching the guys perform ‘If It’s Dead, We Kill It’ when I got tapped on the shoulder. I looked next to me and saw a girl maybe around my age with dark brown almost black hair around the same height as me.

“Hello” the girl said

“Hi?” I said back.

“Enjoying the show?” The girl asked

“Yeah I am actually, what about you? Enjoying the show?” I asked back to be polite

“Oh yes I am, I always enjoy watching those boys perform” the mysterious girl replied back, I nodded and continued watching. A few minutes later the girl spoke up again,

“Oh how rude am I! I should introduce myself, my name is Serena and yours is?” Serena said

“Nice to meet you, my name is Lolita” I said with a smile.

“What a lovely name for a girl who seems quite lovely herself” Serena replied back,

“Oh um thank you”, we watched the rest of the performance and the guys finished on one of their newest songs from their ‘Infamous’ album, A-M-E-R-I-C-A. The song finished and they left the stage, all the guys hugged me with their sweat coming onto me. The boys saw Serena who was still standing next to me and gave her a weird look, I wonder how they know her I thought to myself. Chris was the last one to leave the stage and he automatically came up to me, gave me a huge hug and gave me a kiss on the lips. We heard a ahem and looked over to where Serena was standing,

“Hello Chris” Serena said to Chris

“Hi Serena” said Chris with him getting a bit uncomfortable.

“I see you have finally moved on from me” Serena said looking at me, so Serena must have been one of Chris’ exes. I hope she isn’t the one who almost killed Chris from a break heart! She seemed so nice and gorgeous to do that to him!

“I think Lolita and I will be leaving now” Chris said taking my hand and dragging me to the dressing room,

“You shall not speak to her EVER again” Chris said with his warning voice, he’s never used it on me before so it must be serious.

“Why don’t you want me to talk to her?” I asked

“Because she’s bad news” Chris yelled.

“Don’t you ever fucking yell at me” I yelled back at him

“I can do whatever the fuck I want to do” Chris yelled back

“Go fuck yourself” I yelled back holding back my tears and storming off to the bus, I knew the guys saw and heard us since we were right in front of them but they seemed deadly quiet.

I got to the bus, opened the bus door and slammed the door shut expressing some of my anger.

“UGGGGGH!!!” I screamed out

I stormed back to where my bunk was and laid in there what it seemed hours.


OoOoOoOoOh.... there is now some drama happening... Don't worry there will be some more drama happening VERY soon.

Serena looks like Lexus Amanda, if you don't know what she looks like look her up and listen to her band Blacklisted Me.

I may put up another chapter if I get at least one more vote or at least one or two more comments.

Sorry if this is all over the place because I've been a bit upset today and my mind is a bit messed up.

Song title; We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift, I don't usually like pop music but I had this song in my head while typing this chapter up.

Enjoy <3

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