Chapter Thirty (LAST CHAPTER!!) ~ And my diamond ring's thrown out to sea.

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*Lolita’s P.O.V.*

As we got on the bus I heard Allie squeal

“MEAGAN!!” Allie squealed as she ran to a girl who was sitting with Angelo so her name must have been Meagan,

“Allie! I see you are alright now since your back” Meagan said hugging her

“How did you know that?” Allie asked sitting with her

“When Angelo couldn’t find where you were Ryan rung me up and asked if I could help which I did” Meagan said

“Oh thank you so much for doing it, oh this is Lolita by the way” Allie said introducing me to Meagan

“Hey I’m Meagan and I’m glad that you’re alright now” Meagan said introducing herself to me

“Oh thank you, means a lot to me” I said. We were talking a bit before Angelo spoke up,

“Meagan can I talk to you for a moment?”

‘Um sure” Meagan said before walking towards the bunk area with Angelo

“I wonder why he wants to talk to her” Allie said looking towards the bunk area

“Ang likes Meagan and he wants to ask her out” Chris said sitting on the couch with me

“AWWWWWWWWH!” Allie said, a few minutes later Angelo and Meagan walked out grinning like fools

“Looks like another couple is happening” Devin sang in a sing-a-long voice

“Oh shut up” Meagan said before putting her head into Angelo’s chest in embarrassment.

We were all talking until Chris whispered into my ear,

“Hey you wanna chill in my bunk?”

“Sure” I said before we got up and headed towards the bunk area

“Remember to use protection” Ricky yelled out towards us

“Shut up, we’re not gonna do that” Chris yelled back

“Touché” Ricky said as everyone else laughed. We got into the bunk and started to cuddle,

“I seriously don’t know what I would do without you Lolita, you are honestly my everything” Chris said

“Oh Chris” I said before kissing him, Chris pulled away and said

“I wanna ask you something and I don’t mind if you say no since it’s a little too quick”. He reached over behind me and grabbed something

“What’s the question?” I said

“I know it’s a little too soon but will you marry me Lolita Rosaline Hill?” Chris said opening a ring box for me to see a gorgeous engagement ring(the ring is on the side of the page)

“Yes I will” I said as he slipped the ring on

“SHE SAID YES!” we heard Josh call out

“Piss off you wanker” Chris called out, Josh ran out and we heard a lot of Woo’s and cheers about our engagement.

Sure it may be too quick but I know that I love Chris for sure and I know for certain that we will be together forever, I can’t see myself without him for the rest of my life and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my immortal years with him.  


I'm sorry this ended crap, I wanna hopefully do a sequel but I want you guys to decide if I should or not..

I want to hear what you thought about the last chapter, this chapter or the whole of this story would love some feedback to improve my writing.

 Chapter song; Oh Well, Oh Well by Mayday Parade.

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