Chapter Sixteen ~ To be hugged, to be kissed.

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*Lolita’s P.O.V.*

I woke up in my bunk confused, why didn’t I die? I thought to myself. I got out of my bunk and walked out to the front of the bus where the kitchen was, when Allie saw me she ran straight to me.

“Thank god you’re alright!” She said squeezing me in a hug

“What are on about?” I asked being confused

“Don’t you remember? You tried to kill yourself” Allie said

“I thought I dreamt that” I said looking down in shame, why was I so stupid to do that?

“But Chris brang you back to life” Allie said with a grin on her face

“But he cheated on m-”

“No he didn’t, Serena kissed him and she had a continuous kissing potion on her lips so it looked like he was kissing her back” Balz jumped in.

“Oh…” was all I said.

“Where is Chris?” I asked,

“In his bunk, he was so worried about you that he stayed but most of the night” Devin said. Now I felt bad, I hate myself.

“Hey hey hey Loli, don’t hate yourself! Vampire heartbreak make you do crazy shit” Allie said, damn you Allie for being able to read minds.

“Mornin’ guys” Chris mumbled, he walked straight past me without noticing me. He stopped in his tracks after a few steps walking past me, he turned around, looked straight at me with a huge grin on his face and ran straight at me.

“Your awake love” Chris said picking me up and spinning me around

“Yes and before you say it, I know what happened. I forgive you and I just want to say I am so so so so sorry” I said

“Don’t worry, I never wanna lose you again!” Chris said kissing me

“Come on lovebirds we’re gonna go out for breakfast” Ryan said.

"You can talk" Chris mumbled before we walked to the bunk area to get dressed.



Is cute or what?

What are your thoughts guys? Any little ideas for me to use? I will dedicate the chapter that has your idea in it. Running a bit low on ideas for now...

I just want to say a huge thank you to TeaLangton and JarviaKlipka for commenting on the last chapter, I also want to say a huge thank you to the people who have added this story to their reading lists, voting for this story and becoming a fan of mine. THANK YOU!!

Chapter lyrics song title; Prove You Wrong by He Is We.

Lolita ~ A Motionless In White storyWhere stories live. Discover now