Chapter Eleven ~ Follow my voice, let me carry you away.

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*Chris’ P.O.V.*

“What-what just happened?” asked Ricky as soon as Lolita left the room after our little argument

“Serena that’s what” I said grinding my teeth together in anger

“Why is that stupid bitch here!?” Ryan asked

“I wouldn’t know but I want her out of her NOW” I shouted at them like they were my servants, they all scurried out of the room which I was left alone with my thoughts.

“Why….why did this have to happen?” I asked myself with my head in my hands

“I know you want me” I heard a female voice say, I looked around to see who it was but couldn’t see anyone.   

“Follow my voice’ said the female voice again, I knew I shouldn’t but I did.

“Come here Christopher”, “come closer”, “I know you want me” the female voice said.

I followed the voice until I got outside, I don’t know what was happening but it seemed like it was hypnotising me. I was just near the bus when the voice stopped, I looked around and saw a shadow walking towards me.

“Hello there Christopher Thomas Cerulli” the voice said as stepping out of the shows.


This chapter seemed quite short compared to the other chapters I have recently put up, which I apologise. 

Don't worry this will hopefully get more interesting....

Who do you think is the mysteriousfemale voice? Serena, Lolita, Allie or a new character? Have your say!

Chapter song title; Follow My Voice by For All Those Sleeping.

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