Chapter Fourteen ~ You got me caught in all this mess.

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*Chris’ P.O.V.*

I continued kissing Serena when I heard a voice yell out “WHAT THE FUCK CHRIS!?” I realized it was Lolita. I pulled away from Serena and I could already see Serena grinning knowing what she just done.

“I-I can explain” I said stuttering

“No Chris, get fucked” Lolita said slamming the door shut again and locking it,

“Come on Lolita, open the door up” I yelled out banging on the door

“I don’t think it would be best if you tried to talk to her right now” Allie said calmly when she opened the door up slightly

“No she’s gonna talk to me right now” I said pushing the door open causing Allie to hit the wall near the door. Fuck I know Ryan’s gonna hate me for doing that, curse you vampire feelings!


“NO CHRIS I DON’T WANNA SEE YOU EVER AGAIN!” Lolita said with tears streaming down her face while she’s walking away

“Oh no you don’t” I said before grabbing onto Lolita’s waist

“LEAVE ME ALONE!” She screamed, all the guys ran into the room with Allie.

“Chris, leave her alone. She’ll be right if you leave her alone for a while” Devon said

“No” I said holding onto her tighter like if I let her go she would slip out of my fingers just like sand.

“Chris, stop your hurting me” Lolita said struggling to get out of my grip.

“Come on Chris let go, she isn’t going to leave. I promise” Angelo said pulling me away from Loli, as soon as I let go of her, she ran straight to the bathroom and locked the door.

*a few hours later*

I knew Allie had spoken to Lolita, all I wanted was for Lolita to hear me out. I would NEVER do that to someone I love, she is my world and I can already feel her heartbreak.

“Screw this I really got to pee” Balz said,

“I’m gonna go talk to her so you can come with me” Allie said getting up from the couch with Josh following her.

A few minutes later Josh came back,

“How is she?” I asked barely in a whisper.

“She looks awful, you can tell she’s heartbroken” Josh said sitting next to me

-Knock knock-

“I wonder who that would be.” Ricky said getting off the couch to answer the door, he answered the door and yelled out to me.

“Chris you should come here”

“What’s up?” I said walking up to him, Ricky motioned me to look at the door and I saw Serena.

“YOU HAVE THE DECICENTLY TO SHOW UP AFTER WHAT YOU DONE!?” I yelled at Serena, she looked taken back because of my outburst but who can blame me?

“I know you want me Chris so why can’t I just join you?” asked Serena

“Get fucked! I’d rather get staked in the heart than ever be with you again” I snarled.

“Whatever you say” Serena said before going back to wherever the fuck she came from,

“Who was that?” asked Angelo, I noticed that Allie was back.

“It was-UHHHHHH” I said in extreme pain as I collapsed on the floor, everyone gathered around me.

“Check on Lolita” I ordered, Ghost and Ricky ran to check on Lolita.

“Lolita open this door” Ricky said, no answer.

“Lolita do this now before we break down the door”, again no answer.

“Fuck this” Ghost said before kicking down the door

“FUCK!” we heard Ricky say. Everyone grabbed me and dragged me to the bathroom. I looked where Lolita was lying on the ground, I dragged myself up to her.

“DON’T YOU DARE DIE ON ME” I said grabbing onto her and shaking her.


OoOoOoOoOoOh.... Draaaaaaammmmmmmaaaaaaaaa.

Will Lolita survive? What will happen?

Sorry if it makes no sense, my computer kept freezing on me :|

Chapter lyrics song title; Blame It On The Rain by He Is We. 

They are my obsession right now!

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