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Atlas's POV;

Tonight was going to be the engagement party. After office, I went straight home. I took a shower, wear my suit and I even put a bit of gel on my hair to let it set. I don't normally do that. But today I felt like doing it. I got into my car and went over to Elaine's to pick her up. When I got there, she looked like she wasn't ready. Although if you ask me, I think she looked fine. By fine I meant gorgeous. She really looked beautiful. She told me to wait as she'd be ready in five minutes. I don't normally wait, but I decided to wait for her. After thirty minutes, I got tired of waiting. I really hate people who are late and I never was late to anything. I went to her room and she was curling her hair. She still had to wear her shoes and jewellery.

"It's been half an hour! How long does it take to get ready?" I asked as I was annoyed

"I'm almost done." She replied. What was taking her so long? 

"I'm leaving without you."  I said as I couldn't wait any longer. All the guests were there and I had to greet them. Some of the most famous business owners were also coming.

"Just wait. I'm coming!" She said 

"Whatever." I replied as I left her room

"Hey! You can't just leave without me! Who goes to their own engagement party without their fiancé?" I heard her shout at me as I left her house

I got into my car and drove away. She can use a taxi, I'm sure.

I reached the house and I decided to wait outside for her. Because if I went in there alone, they'd all ask me where she was. And it would be troublesome to answer all of them. After a few minutes, I see a taxi pull up and out came Elaine. She's all dressed up in her royal blue dress and she looks absolutely stunning.

"Oh finally, you are here

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"Oh finally, you are here. I was planning on going in without you if you were going to be late one more minute." I said

"You left me! Couldn't you have waited just one more minute?" She said as she glared at me. I knew she was mad at me for leaving her, but it was her fault

"Nope. I hate people who are late and I don't wanna be one of them." I replied as I grab her hand, "Come on. Let's go inside." I just did it on impulse. Maybe because others think we're a real couple

"Let go of my hand." She said as I noticed she wasn't wearing her ring

"Where's the ring?" I asked, ignoring what she just said to me. I was more focused on the ring. This whole party was being held because of that ring

"Oh my god! Where's the ring? I swear I put it in my purse!" She said as she went through her purse looking for the ring

"Don't tell me you forgot!" I said as I glared at her. There's no way I'm going to buy one for her again. Buying it for the first time was so troublesome

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