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Elaine's POV;

While going home, I could see Atlas looks like he was troubled about something.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked

"Yeah.....I'm fine." He replied

"You sure? You don't seem okay to me. Is something bothering you?" I asked

"It's nothing. I'm fine." He replied

"Umm...actually I'm not an eaves dropper or anything but I just happened to pass by when you were arguing with Stephen and since I'm a person who is always curious so I kind of eaves dropped on you guys...because I wanted to know what you guys were arguing about and so I overheard the part where Stephen admits to umm you know...and then you punch him..." I said

"Oh.." He replied as it then suddenly got quiet

"My father started this business all by himself. And after a few years his best friend at that time who was Stephen said that he wants to be a shareholder and become partners. My father agreed which I think was his biggest mistake ever. Stephen started stealing money and doing fraud and buying illegal things and selling them at a higher price and everything. Dad found out about it and he always tried to stop him. But Stephen wouldn't listen, still dad believed that Stephen would change one day which I think was also a stupid thing to think. And one day Stephen was in dire need of money and he decided to get money from the company's insurance and he put a fire in his own building and some coworkers got burnt while some got stuck, Dad went in to help them and in that process, he died." He said

"Oh...your dad was a great man." I said as I couldn't think of anything else to say. It was just like Stephen. He didn't care who died as long as he got what he wanted.

"Yeah, he really was. You know, the night before this all happened, Dad told me about how he had made a mistake by giving Stephen too many second chances." He said

"Oh..." I said

"If only I have evidence. I even talked to my lawyer and all he said was that we needed evidence. Even the police is useless in this case because they can't find anything." He said as I clutched my bag tightly, should I give him this? This is what he needs. This is what is going to help him. Even though I knew that, I couldn't make myself speak or move. I felt the adrenaline kick in and my body had become stiff. Was it because I was getting scared of the fact that Stephen said he would kill me? I would die.....if I give him this. But I want to give this to him. I don't care what happens as long as he gets what he wants......

As we reached home, Atlas gets a call from his lawyer who wants to talk to him but Atlas then says he won't go to meet him.

"Why? It has to be something important." I said

"But...." He said as I could see he was hesitating

"But what? Don't worry and go. I'll be fine." I said as I could tell he was worrying about leaving me alone. Maybe it's because of Dylan who was stalking me.

"You sure? It is important...but I don't have to go.." he said

"What has gotten into you so suddenly?" I said as I chuckled, "I'm fine. Seriously. Besides Edith and Harold are also home and there is also the guard out there." I said

"Hmm..." He said

"Now stop worrying and go...he's waiting for you" I said

"Okay.....I'll be back quick." He said as he then left

That's when I opened my bag and took out the files and read them. There was literally every single record of how he took money from where and when and what illegal things he did. Just why did Stephen kept a record of all of this?

After half an hour of over thinking and deciding on what to do, I finally put the files on the kitchen counter and then I put a sticky note besides it saying what these files were. I don't know what got into me but I decided to write I Love You, I figured I can't say it might as well write it, I mean who knows if I'm going to stay alive or not......But then I got embarrassed so I crumbled that paper and tossed it aside and then I decided to not put any sticky note as it's fine.

There I did it. When Atlas sees this, he can finally file a case against Stephen.
I just finished doing all this when I get a message from some unknown number. He said he was Atlas's lawyer, Ralph, and he wanted us to meet. Atlas was also over there and he wanted to talk about Stephen and all that.

I thought for a moment if this message was fake, but then again the name of his lawyer was it might be true.

I grab my purse and wear my coat and head out to the address that was given.

As I reached this place, I noticed it was a nice looking restaurant. I went inside and looked round for Atlas and his lawyer. Although I had never seen his lawyer before.
A man then comes to me and says he is Ralph and that he, Mike and Atlas are over there and to follow him.

As I follow him, I start to get a bit suspicious about all of this. And then suddenly someone puts this cloth on my mouth and even though I try to resist, it doesn't work and everything becomes so dizzy and I feel the energy draining out of my body. Oh shit, I got tricked. Stephen knows....I don't want to die...Atlas......then everything becomes dark.

Atlas's POV;

After the meeting with Ralph ends, I quickly head back home. I was worried about what Stephen told me earlier. He said that if I do anything against him, he will hurt Elaine. I won't let him do that.

As soon as I go inside, I call for her, but there's no response. I go into the kitchen to look for her and she's not there. Instead I find this file with all the records of Stephen. Oh man! This is amazing. But..where's Elaine? Where did she get this from?

I search everywhere in the house for her, but she's nowhere to be found. I call her but her phone is dead. I then see this crumbled up piece of small paper on the floor. I check the paper and read what is written on it. These are all the evidence that you needed. Please use them.
And on the end there was written I love you. Is this for real? Does she really love me? I feel like it's a dream...but still...where is she? I need to see her.

I go to Tyler's house and Claire says that she hasn't heard from Elaine. I contact everyone else she knows, and they all do not know where she is. Where is she? I then get a call from Stephen.

"Where is she?!" I asked angrily

"She is safe. If you want to see her, come meet me at the place I've messaged you and on that exact time. Remember come alone and bring those files with you." He said

"I swear I'm gonna kill you if you hurt her!" I said

"Relax, I won't hurt her...if you do as I say." He said as he cuts the call

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