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[name]'s POV


Not something I've ever been particularly good at. Especially when it counted. 

Now that sounds dramatic. Well, listen here, buddy boy, it was. 

I was running, as the first word suggested, and I couldn't do it. 

You're probably wondering about a few things:

1. [name], what are you on?

2. [name], what happened?

3. [name], how did I get here?

Okay. Well, sit down because this might take a little bit. 

I'm not on anything... that you need to know about...

Moving on.

We're going to skip to the third question because the second will take some explaining. 

You clicked on it, you mother fluffer, so deal with the consequences. 

When will you learn? When will you learn that your actions have consequences?

Now, the second question... 

I was running...

I have no idea how to start the story other than that. 

But, yeah, I was running. I can't remember what I was running from. It was terrifying. My knees were weak, my palms were sweaty.  Unfortunately, it wasn't at midnight in the pouring rain. My life isn't a cliche fan fiction that people would read at 2 am. 

It was a late summer evening, the sun was setting into the horizon. I was sprinting towards a park that I saw. 

This is probably a good time to mention that I don't know my exact age. I can't really remember much from before this memory. The people who took me in guessed that I was probably seven or eight. My birthday is kind of indefinite, so they just said we could celebrate it on [your birthday]. Currently, I'm in my last year of junior high, and about fourteen. 


In the park, I saw actual people. I couldn't recollect the last time I saw other people, other than a faint memory of a man and woman. Probably my parents, but obviously not very good ones. Based on that amazing memory, I (collapsed from exhaustion) decided to hide behind a tree, as you do. Cut me some slack, I was but a young lad. 

There were two kids, looking to be around my age, leaving the park, accompanied by their parents. Both looking mildly beaten up, having miscellaneous Band-Aids around their bodies. Typically, they started walking in my direction. 

One of the kids had ash blond hair. His posture was confident, and, even though I was yards away, I could see his ego in his startling red eyes. His mother, or so I presumed, was basically a carbon copy, holding a similar but softened ego in her eyes. The father looked tired, yet happy. He looked content.

On the other hand, the other kid had dark green hair. Said hair was insanely messy but put together at the same time. His emerald eyes held something I couldn't decipher but decided I could relate to. There was an array of freckles spanning across his cheeks and nose. Only his mother was with him, sharing the same green hair and soft aura around her. 

After I broke out of my inspections, I realized that they were nearing my makeshift hiding spot. 

Dang it, I thought, having to maneuver myself around the tree, as to not be seen. Unbeknownst to me, a man was hiding up in the same tree, using a scarf to hold himself up, watching my every move. 

Iris (BNHA X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now