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[name]'s POV:

We arrived back at school after internships. 

Nothing especially exciting happened over internships with Hitoshi and I.
Other than the one mishap with the scarves and the Hero Killer stuff. One good thing that came out of it was that the scarves could officially become a part of our hero costume. 


There were comments going around the classroom about the Hero Killer incident. 

I did my best to ignore them and maintain conversation with Hitoshi. 

That was until three other people crowded around my desk. 

According to their glares to each other, they didn't expect the others to be there. 

I confusedly glanced at Hitoshi, but he just shrugged and went on his phone. 

I didn't realize the tight grip he had on his phone or the glare he was giving it.

Three voices overlapped each other.

"[name], would you like to accompany me to a cafe after school today? If that doesn't work for you, we can reschedule."

"Hey, [name]! I-if you want, I was wondering if you wanted to study with me this weekend?"

"Hello, [name], do you want to come with me to see my mother this weekend. Fuyumi will be accompanying us, as well."

I got overwhelmed, with all the voices at once, and Hitoshi knew it immediately when he heard everything. 

"Hey, hey, hey. Can't you see you're overwhelming her? What is your deal? Ask her about it at a different time. I know you've all been through a lot, but so has she."

The regret in their eyes was so apparent and I felt horrible. 

I stood up, "It's okay. Thank you, Hitoshi, I owe you some [favorite food]."

"That's your favorite food, [nickname]. Get me some coffee."

"On it, chief. Anyway. Maybe we could reschedule the cafe for this weekend, Tenya? I'd love to study with you, Izu-kun, especially with finals coming up soon. Of course, I'll go with you, Shoto. I'll text you all and we can plan accordingly. I have training with Hitoshi all of this week, so I won't be able to do that. I also, apparently, owe him some coffee."

The three of them nodded and went their separate ways. 

I sighed and sat down. "We can head to that cat cafe after school, Hitoshi. I need some more cat love."

"Don't we all?"

"Thanks for that, Hitoshi. You know me too well."

"It's in the job description."


"Alright, that's it for class today. There's only one week left before your final exams begin. I'm sure you're all studying constantly, right? Make sure you keep training. Your written exam is only one element. There's also the practical portion to worry about. Good luck." Sho-chan left the room. 

A couple people freaked out. Yaoyorozu stepped up and offered to tutor all of them. 

Personally, for the past couple of weeks, Hitoshi and I had been training and studying together. 

He turned around so we could start planning out what we were going to do for the rest of the week. 

I had gotten fifth on midterms, with him getting seventh. I was directly behind Izu-kun and in front of Shoto. 

Iris (BNHA X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now