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[name]'s POV

Now, we're in current time. Welcome back.

Living with Sho-chan is amazing. Unfortunately, some habits from him rubbed off onto me. 

That fact was apparent today. 

Today is the first day of my third year at Nabu Junior High. Before I started this junior high, I was home schooled and trained by whatever teacher was free at UA. It was mostly Sho-chan because he did hero work at night, and occasionally had free time. I don't know, maybe it was because he expelled a bunch of students. But I digress.

Sho-chan said that I could continue my training through this school year to prepare for UA.


As mentioned before, bad habits from Sho-chan have rubbed off on me. Despite it being the first day, I had been up all night, totally not watching cat videos, and then fell asleep for about an hour and woke up mildly late. Zashi-kun and Toshi-kun always say 'like father, like daughter' to us because of our matching eye bags. It's really a look.

I rushed around like a mad person, trying to get ready. I threw on the uniform, grabbed a waffle, kissed Hobbes and Kyo goodbye, yelled to Sho-chan that I was 'out 3000 broski' and ran out the door.

I had to meet up with my best, and one of my only, friend, Hitoshi Shinsou. My other friends are 3 current second years at UA that Sho-chan introduced me to. He said they all had a lot of potential to be great heroes.

Speak of the devil, I saw the purple, gravity-defying hair that belonged to my best friend. "Hitoshi-chan!"

A bit of background would probably be nice right now, wouldn't it? Hitoshi-chan has been my best friend since the first year of junior high.

Yes, I do realize I've said 'best friend' a lot in the past couple sentences, but that's because I'm proud of it. He truly is amazing and I'm proud to call him my best friend.

"What's up, [nickname]? Aren't you so excited for the first day of school?"

"Totally. Yup. Fully excited," I gave him a stifled giggle that turned into a laugh.

Shinsou's POV

Both luckily and unluckily for me, some other students came by and started to taunt me as always.

Luckily because [name]'s attention was drawn away from me and the growing blush on my face that was caused by her, her stupid sense of humor (granted I have the same one), and her stupid laugh.

Blatantly unlucky because they are here to bully me and my so called 'villainous' quirk.

The bullying went away for a little bit after [name] befriended me and everybody learned about her quirk. But, it came back because they realized that there was a possibility that they could humiliate me so much that she unfriends me. So here we are.

[name]'s laugh died down as she saw who was coming by. She gave me the look that she usually did in situations like this. The one that said 'don't listen to them' and 'I'm here for you'.

"Oh, hey, Shinsou! How's villainy coming along? Y'know, I'm really not sure if I've told you this, but you're quirk is perfectly suited for it."

"I know, right? What kind of hero brainwashes people?"

"I can't believe [name] hangs out with him. She has so much potential to be a hero. Yet her only friend has to be Mr. Future Villain."

"He doesn't deserve her friendship, he's going to turn against her. I bet he's brainwashing her into being his friend."

"He'll never be a hero."

Never be a hero.

As per usual, the words swirled around my head until one cut through the growing tornado.

[name]'s POV

I sadly gazed into the eyes of my best friend, knowing that the words were getting to him. They usually did, no matter how hard he tried to not let them.

"Hitoshi-chan. C'mon, we gotta get good seats. We have to get by the window, you remember all of the anime we watched, right? We have to make our story, and being in protagonist seats would be a good start. You already have the hair!" I patted his head as he left his trance and grabbed his hand as we lightly jogged towards the school.

As we continued towards the school, Hitoshi-chan sparked the conversation, which caught me off guard because it's usually me who initiates them, "Thanks, [nickname]."

"Of course, Hitoshi-chan. Don't let them get to you. Why? BECAUSE I AM HERE," We both laughed at my poor excuse of an All Might impression. "And I'm your self-proclaimed best friend, and I believe in you. Of course, that probably doesn't mean too much to you, but it does to me. You mean a lot to me, and as I've told you before, no quirk is villainous. Any of them could be used for villainy. But I know you. You're going to be a hero. Sho-chan is training us for UA, the top hero school in Japan! And- oh we're here. I'll continue my emotional and cliche rant later, okay?"

He nodded while looking lost in thought. I basically dragged him into the classroom and lightly pushed him into the prime protagonist seat.

"Don't forget we have training later with Sho-chan!"

He gave me a thumbs up to reassure me that he'll remember.

He's not going to.


When we got to the front gate after school, he turned in the opposite direction of where we usually train.

He started to walk and raised his hand in goodbye, "See you tomorrow, [nickname]."

Called it.

I grabbed onto his backpack and started to drag him in the correct direction, towards my apartment. "Come on, eye bags, we have training."

After a couple of minutes, I looked back at him and he was looking at me with his arms crossed and heels dragging on the ground like a five year old. "Hey, we have the same amount of eye baggage. And it's also the same amount of emotional baggage we carry on a day to day basis."

I snorted at that and whipped him around so he was walking next to me.

"Ah yes, speaking of emotional baggage."

"Wow, that's an amazing way to start a story."

"Shut up. Whatever, I'm not going to tell you the story now. You're going to have curiosity clawing at the inner corners of your mind for the rest of the day."

"You need to stop reading edgy fan fiction at 3 in the morning."

"It's better than whatever smutty male reader insert fanfics you have archived on your secret Wattpad account."

"You're dumb."

"You're dumber."

"You're both late," Sho-chan appeared in the doorway of the apartment I was about to unlock.

I pointed at Shinsou and channeled my inner toddler, "He was being mean."

The guardian of the girl gave a playful glare at the purple haired teen.

"I give, I give, what she said is true. Forgive me, for I have greatly sinned."

"Whatever, we need to whip your asses in shape if you want to get into UA."

Determination lighted up in both of the teens' faces and souls.

"Let's do this."

Iris (BNHA X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now