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[name]'s POV

Well, that's how I met my loving "father".

Ow, my heart, right?

So, now I Iive in an apartment right near UA with him and 5 cats. 

Their names? Hobbes, Ash, Kyo, Luna, and Ollie.

Hobbes and Kyo were technically my cats, Sho-chan took me to get them a couple months after I started living with him.

Both orange tabby cats, brothers. Sho-chan thought the other cats were lonely and needed more siblings.  

But, we can talk about Sho-chan's cat addiction at some other time. Now, we're going to go back to the past for a little bit to when Sho-chan learned about my quirk. It was a couple days after he found me. 

"So, this is where I live, and now where you live."

Sho-chan had just finalized my adoption papers and told UA about what our situation was. Zashi-chan was especially excited.  Principal Nezu was understanding, and allowed it.

After a tour of the apartment and the current three cats, Sho-chan and I were sitting on the couch. 

He initiated the conversation, "I think the plan for now is for you to be home schooled at UA until you start at a junior high."

"Do you think I can enroll in UA for high school?"

"Of course, squirt." He thought for a moment, both of us sitting in the comfortable silence, "I've been meaning to ask you, what's your quirk? I already saw you use some sort of plant manipulation a couple days ago."

"Oh yeah, it's kind of a complicated quirk. You might want to get comfortable in your sleeping bag, Sho-chan."

He laughed, "You already know me so well." He did end up getting into his sleeping bag, but maintained a sitting position on the couch. He got me one of my own, a nice [favorite color] sleeping bag, that matched his. So, I followed suit and climbed into mine. I'll never understand how he does it so smoothly.

They were very comfortable, now I know why he doesn't want to leave his. He even showed me some storage pockets for food or juice pouches. 

"Ready?" I asked.

He nodded back at me and smiled encouragingly. Remind me to teach him to smile in a way that doesn't threatening. 

"So, it's called Iris. Basically I have a different power for each color of the rainbow. My previous guardians, I guess, trained me constantly to use my quirk, and when I couldn't do it properly or passed out from over doing it, they would hurt me."

Sho-chan looked extremely surprised and angry but motioned for me to keep going.

"So red is fire. I can summon it all along my body. I don't know how to throw it away from my body and not keep it from fizzling out. If I use it too much, I get severe burns. Also, every time I use my quirk, I get a headache and if I overexert, I get severe migraines."

I demonstrated by sticking my hand out of my sleeping bag. My eyes and the tips of my hair went a bright crimson and a little flame appeared. I quenched it, and my hair went back to normal.

"Orange is mood manipulation," I continued, "I can change other people's moods, both to positive and negative, for up to half an hour. If I use it for too long, I develop symptoms of severe depression that lasts an hour for every minute I over do it.

"Yellow is electricity. I can summon it and either keep it surrounding my body or direct it towards a target. I can control the voltage, so I can hit a person and have it not lead to severe injury. If I use it for too long, I get severe electrical burns where ever I was using it.

"Green is plant manipulation, as you've seen. I can, well, manipulate plants. If I use it for too long, I get a severe fever. 'Cause global warming, I guess."

Sho-chan let out a small chuckle at that.

"Blue is water. I can pull water molecules from the air and send it around at varying pressures. Oh, I can also just mess around with it and make different shapes."

I poked my hand out again. As my eyes and hair once again changed color, this time turning into a pretty shade of cerulean, I created a tiny little cat out of water and send it flying over to Sho-chan. He smiled at it, this time it being softer and not as scarring as usual. I then popped it on his head and giggled as he playfully glared. 

"Only a little bit more. Indigo is mind-reading. I can read people's minds if they are in my line of sight. People can learn how to guard their minds from me, and I can do that for you, if you want. My hair and eyes are usually a tell, though. The drawback for this is I can go temporarily blind, and I get a dizzy and numb feeling in my brain. 

"Purple is telekinesis. I can only move inanimate objects, no people or myself. If I use this one too much, I'll pass out and have lingering headaches for the next day or two."

Sho-chan nodded in thought. "That's a very peculiar and extremely strong quirk. I've never heard of anything like it before. I'll talk to Nezu and see if he knows anything about it."

"There's one more thing," I meekly stated.

"Go on."

"My, uh, previous guardians made me use a special move. Um, it's where all of the colors are activated at the same time. All of the physical colors swirl around me and I kinda levitate. Everyone I consider an enemy will have a severe headache within a certain radius. My eyes, hair, and aura around me is rainbow. But, the repercussions are pretty bad. I go into a coma for a while, depending on how much I use it for, and I'll have all of the repercussions from all of the colors at the same time for a little while after. My hair and eyes will also stay rainbow for the duration of the entire time."

Sho-chan's eyes flashed with anger and frustration. But, they softened after seeing how truly exhausted the girl was. "Okay, kiddo, let's get you to bed."

I yawned tiredly as Sho-chan picked me up to bring me to my new room. 

My voice quiet, I mumbled, "Thank you, Sho-chan. For everything."

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