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[name]'s POV:

Still covered in bandages on the day of the Sports Festival.

This sucks. 

I wandered around the empty school, Sho-chan bringing me with him early. He had to help make final preparations, and, apparently, didn't want me at the house alone.

Good parenting.

I was in a wheelchair, unfortunately. My legs took some lovely third degree burns. 

It was a dumb move.

But, they were already healing. 

I made my way back to Sho-chan. 

"What do you want?"

"I'm bored."

"Not my problem."

"Ugh. Can I at least have your sleeping bag. You woke me up early."

"Whatever." He lightly tossed it at me. I set it on my lap and rolled myself to the 1A waiting room. I'm planning on going to visit Tamaki, Mirio-kun, and Hado-chan before they go on. 

I took a brief nap, and so I don't give anybody a heart attack from a weird caterpillar on the ground, I got back into the wheel chair. 

This sucks. 

When I encountered Sho-chan on my way to the third year stadium, I yeeted his sleeping back at him. He still had his bandages on his arms. It landed on his head, and because he doesn't give any fucks anymore, he walked around with it like that.  

When I finally saw the heads of hair that I was looking for, I yelled, "Tamaki! Mirio-kun! Hado-chan! Over here!"

They looked around, recognizing my voice, finally landing on the girl in the wheel chair. Probably not what they expected.

Hado-chan ran up to me, enveloping me in a hug, "I heard about what happened. Are you okay? How's Aizawa-sensei? Oh look, there's some tokoyaki. Do you want some? No? Okay, I'll be right back."

And with that, she ran off to get some food.

"[name]-chan! I heard what happened. Are you okay? I promise I won't run off like Hado to get some food," Mirio-kun said, happily.

"I'm okay. Just overdid it a bit. I came over to wish you guys luck, not that you'd need it."

"Thanks a ton, [name]-chan," Mirio-kun gave his famous smile.

"No problem. You too, Tamaki. You'll do good. Just imagine everybody as potatoes, or something. Ignore all the cameras. I'll be cheering you three on from the commentating booth in the first year stadium."

"Hado is about to start a fight with the vendor. I'm going to stop that. I'll talk to you later, [name]-chan!" 

"Bye! Good luck!"

I looked back to Tamaki. Slightly shaking. 

"Hey," he looked over at me, and I smiled softly, "You're going to do great. And even if you don't, you already have an amazing internship with Fatgum. He already knows what you're capable of. So, it doesn't matter. Just try to have fun, okay?"

"Okay," he nods, shaking slightly less.

I make another butterfly out of water, letting it fly around his head. It landed on his nose and fluttered it's wings. I let it dissipate and tried to stand up. 

"What are you doing, [name]?"

I hissed in pain when I put too much pressure on my legs, "Trying to give you a hug."

"You- you don't have to get up for that. Look, I'll bend down."

He bent over to give me the hug. I tightly squeezed him, "You're going to do amazing, Tamaki. Good luck, I have to get back to the first years. I'll see you later."

Before he could fully pull away, I gave him a swift kiss on the cheek and started the journey back to the 1A waiting room.

I didn't see the jealous eyes of Tamaki's best friend on my retreating form. 


Hitoshi was anxiously sitting and tapping his fingers in the corner of the waiting room, when I walked, more like rolled, in. I'm guessing that he was there early to clear his brain before everybody else got there. 

"Hi, Hitoshi."


"You nervous?"


"You're in Class 1A for a reason. I'm kinda sad I can't be there next to you, as you succeed, but I will take cheering you on in the stands. I believe in you and your quirk wholeheartedly. Do your best and remember that I'm rooting for you. I am your number 1 fan for a reason."

I gave him a side hug and a quick peck on the cheek. "You're going to do amazing."

"Thanks, [nickname]."

"Of course. Shoot. I have to go talk to Midnight. I'm cheering for you. Good luck, Hitoshi!"


I stood awkwardly next to Midnight. She was in her provocative hero outfit. I was in mine, using the braces to keep me upright. The new bandages I received had a bit of padding, so it didn't hurt as much. 

I got a few confused glances, especially from Class 1A, but I ignored them. 

"And for the pledge, we have our student from Class 1A, [name] [fake last name]!"

They decided to keep my real name private from the public. I had already talked to the class, having them agree to call me [name], and telling them that I would still be going by [fake last name] in public. 

"Um, hello everybody. I'm not very good at things like this, and I'll try to keep my rambling to a minimum. I'd like to pledge on behalf of the participating students that they do their best. We all know that only few can win, but that doesn't mean that we can't take something away from an experience like this. Whether it be an internship offer that we've been hoping for, a new friend, or an experience, it's all important. I pledge that you, the audience, will have an amazing time watching all of these talented first years giving it their all because this is UA. And I know that every single one of them will go beyond. Plus ultra style! Thank you."

Little did I know that I didn't only get the cheers from the audience, but also multiple admiring glances from the participants.

 As I walked past Class 1A, I shot them a peace sign and said, "Welp, I'm off to harass the people in the commentary booth."

This was going to be fun. 

Iris (BNHA X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now