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hey y'all

no update

i'm so sorry about getting all of your hopes up only to crush them with my scrawny teenage body


my laptop is broken, which means the shift key does not work and i physically am not able to use the caps lock in that weird click on click off thing so

there's gonna be no new updates for the foreseeable future

and by that i mean this is probably discontinued

i started this forever ago after a traumatic thing in my life to kinda get away from everything and i can't really look at it without being reminded of everything all over again

don't get me wrong

i have taken every comment, every vote, to heart and i'm so fucking greatful for each and everyone of you who have made it this far or have supported this from the beginning

i needed it

i'm aware that i'm being selfish and all of that but you deserve the best of content and it's not something i'll be able to provide

i've kinda fallen out of the fandom to be honest

i love the characters i love the story and i'm still following it as it continues but the spark isn't there anymore

so once again

thank you

thank you so much

maybe i'll come back to it when i get my laptop fixed

i'm not sure

i'm sorry

i truly am

i don't know what to do anymore

but y/n was gonna be ok

shinsou's ending was gonna be the longest because i've always been a sucker for the childhood friends trope

i don't know how i'm supposed to end this long journey

i don't know what to say except

thank you

i've had wattpad deleted for a while off of my phone and i think i'll uninstall it once more just to

clear my head i think

i'm completely aware i took months of hiatus to do just that but i'm not there yet

hopefully i will be

and hopefully all of you who have flocked here to escape from reality, find love somewhere in yourself

because you deserve it

all of you do

thank you for all of your support and your kindness and everything else

i think i'll forever be in debt to all of you

i don't want to disappear forever

i still want to interact and everything with you guys because you've made me happier than i thought i could be

but not here

i'm sorry

and yeah that sounds empty but i'm genuine in everything i've said so far

i'll keep the story up, i don't want to take it down just yet

this is rambly




thank you

i've fallen into the haikyuu fandom hard, harder than the bnha fandom (and the mysme fandom but that's a different story)

this is half of a thousand words holy shit

i guess this is a see you later

cause i don't want it say goodbye just yet

thank you

<3 Hannah

Iris (BNHA X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now