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[name]'s POV:

After I changed, I made my way to my battle area. I did my people watching and saw an angry blond who was currently yelling at some poor boy who bumped into him. There was also a boy with black hair that was trying to stop him. 

Before I could continue my, mildly creepy, observations, Zashi-chan yelled go. Immediately, I sprinted into the area.

"She's got the idea! Go, go, go! There aren't countdowns in real battles," Zashi-chan was screeching into a microphone. I decided to tune him out as I encountered some robots. A two-pointer, and two one-pointers. 

Uh, let's go with electricity, I thought. 

My eyes and hair turned a bright yellow, as I summoned lightening in my palms. I quickly shot it towards the robots' heads. Immediately after it made contact and destroyed it, I deactivated my quirk to both save energy and not have the repercussions set in, no matter how small. 

4 points. 

I ran around the entire time, switching between electricity, water, and telekinesis. I probably looked weird, with my hair flashing different colors. 

After I beat a couple more robots and ran around a corner, I saw the black haired kid from earlier surrounded by robots. He looked completely outmatched.

Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, was being chanted through his mind when I peeked in. 

Mood. I went to help because I'm a half way decent human. 

"Uh, hi there," I say, casually jogging towards the spot next to him. I stood back to back to him because I thought it looked cool, "You ready? I'll transfer a bit of energy to you to help you defeat the robots. I don't want to steal your points."

I had figured out (more like Hitoshi figured out, but that's not the point) that I could transfer energy through my mood manipulation quirk. We weren't really sure why, but we didn't question it. 

"Okay, you're so manly for this. Let's go," he turned around and gave me a shark toothed grin. I smiled back as my hair turned a sunset orange. 

His skin looked like it got harder as he rushed towards the robots. He just punched through all of them, and let them fall to the ground. 

After he defeated all the robots, he came up next to me and showed me his teeth again, "Thank you, uh-"

So bright. "Oh, [name] [fake last name]." Sho-chan had told me to use a fake last name, so people don't know our relation. I wasn't too offended because, if I did get in, I didn't want others to think I got here because of my guardian.

"Thank you, [fake last name]-san, I'm Eijiro Kirishima. I feel bad for taking some points from you. You deserve them more than me."

I shook my head, "Please, call me [name]. It's okay. You took them down with ease. I'll give you some more energy, and then keep on going. You'll be a great hero, and considering how you did with those robots, you'll get in. Good luck with the rest of the exam!" 

My hair faded back into orange and transferred a little more of my energy into him, and jogged away. I felt some emotional emptiness and my concentration draining. I overdid it a bit, and the depression is slowly sinking in. It wasn't too bad, so I hope it'll only last for the rest of the day. Hitoshi will understand, so I'm glad I will be hanging out with him afterwards. 

There was one minute left, and I think I did pretty good. I was getting emotionally and more physically drained than usual. 

The zero-pointer scared a bunch of participants and I used plants to bring them over to my direction, away from the freaking gigantic robot.

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