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[name]'s POV:

It's been months since the last chapter, I mean my emotional rant to Hitoshi. We've been training non-stop, and I'm super proud of him. He's grown physically and in his quirk.

Speaking of my purple haired best friend, I need to go to get him out of bed for the entrance exam to UA.

Of course, I got a recommendation from some of the teachers at the school. I turned it down because I found it unfair. I knew that the practical was suited for more physically based quirks, and not for people with mental but super strong quirks, like Hitoshi.

a rainbow but not fully gay human:

purple pineapple:
yeah whatever weirdo ill be at your house in 5 minutes

a rainbow but not fully gay human:

I packed some athletic clothes, as well as some for Hitoshi. Sho-chan already left, having to be there early for, what he called, 'teacher stuff, mind your own business, kid'.

The doorbell rang just as I was about to open up the door.

"There you are, we have enough time to go get breakfast!"

"Wait, wait, wait. [name] Aizawa, you did not just get me up early so we can go get breakfast. When are we actually supposed to be at UA?" He glared at me, probably already knowing the answer.

I avoided eye contact and decided to focus on the cat key chain I got him for his birthday last year that was hanging on his backpack. I twirled my thumbs as I mumbled, "Uh, an hour and a half?"

"Of course," he ran his hand through his hair, "Well, I'm here now, let's go get your stupid [favorite breakfast food]."

"Aw, thanks. I knew I was your best friend for a reason!"

I basically ended up dragging him to our favorite cafe.

The familiar cashier flashed us a smile, "Hey guys! The usual?"

"You know it," I grinned while doing finger guns.

Hitoshi shook his head and started to lead me to our normal table, "Thank you! I'll get this one out of your hair."

"You're so mean to me, Hitoshi."

We sat down in the booth in the corner.

"So, are you excited? You're going to do amazing! I think that there's a hard to reach button that will turn off the robot and that counts as your points. Of course, this is hypothetical because Sho-chan specifically told me that I can't tell you anything about the exam or that he knows that with your combat training you will be able to pass."

Hitoshi grinned, and was about to reply when our food came. A black coffee and small pastry for him, a smoothie and [favorite breakfast food] for me.

"Yeah, I think I'm excited. With your hypothetical advice, I might be fine. You're totally going to pass. You even got recommended."

"Well, yeah, but now I get to take the exam with you and add it to the board of our friendship."

This 'board of our friendship' is a pin board that is hanging up in my room. Hitoshi also has one, so we always take two pictures. It's filled with memories and pictures, dating back to the first time we hung out outside of school in the first year of junior high. There's concert bands and mini superhero posters, etc. But, it's mostly filled with a bunch of Polaroid pictures of the two of us. We each have a Polaroid camera, mine being [favorite color] and Hitoshi's being light purple and having cat stickers all over it. I love mine a lot. My first friend my age, and an amazing one at that.

After miscellaneous talks about varying things, we had to head to UA. We both waved to the cashier and walked towards the school.

"Aren't you excited to meet new people? I promise I'll never replace you, Hitoshi, but I'd love to talk to a girl about stuff, y'know?"

He looked mildly offended, "Oh, yeah? What can't you talk to me about, that you could to a female?"

I raised one of my eyebrows while cackling internally, knowing that I would win this argument, "Periods."

His face immediately erupted into a deep crimson and disgust. Meanwhile, I was laughing so hard that some passerby were staring.

"Okay, okay, you win. I will say that I would enjoy not having to listen to you rant about your uterus. But, I will still go buy you your cravings because I'm just that amazing."

"Yeah, yeah."

I stopped walking when we were in front of UA.

"Hey, Hitoshi?"

"Yes, [nickname]?"

"This is our future."



After the written exam, I met back up with Hitoshi and headed to the auditorium.

I discreetly waved to Sho-chan and Zashi-kun as I walked past and into the room. Hitoshi and I sat down near the back, being the introverted people we are. I looked around and some people definitely stuck in my mind. A bright pink girl, a guy with multiple arms, a girl who looked like a frog, a boy whose sparkles hurt my eyes from across the room, and a lot more.

I looked over to Hitoshi to reassure him. "Hey, you got this," I whispered into his ear.

He barely nodded, which worried me slightly.

Before I could ask, Zashi-kun walked onto stage. I smiled at Hitoshi and was about to yell 'hi' at Zashi-kun, but got my mouth covered and was held back by Mr. Eye Bags. He glared at me with his violet orbs and mouthed 'don't you dare'. I complied and sunk into my seat.

Zashi-kun finished his little speech, a very tall guy with navy hair stood up and started yelling. He needed to calm down. I kinda tuned out until the very loud blond dismissed us.

"Ah, that sucks. We're not in the same battle areas," I gave Hitoshi a small smile while I handed him his training clothes, "Good luck to you Mr. Pineapple, you'll do amazing. As your number one fan and your best friend, I command you to."

He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand and sweat dropped, "That's not how it works. But, I'll try my best. Good luck to you, or whatever, it's not like you need it."

I quickly gave him a hug, as well as a peck on the cheek, and walked away, "Meet me at the front gate afterwards, we have to take a picture and then we can go back to my place. Bye!"

I left behind a very flustered boy, who was going to yell after me but decided against it.

"Bye," he muttered to himself.

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