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[name]'s POV:

I did manage to get free. 

The next couple of days went by with nothing interesting to report.

We went out and did some hero work. Hitoshi did amazing, and most of what we did didn't incorporate violence. 

I had night terrors, and had to go and sleep next to Hitoshi. He didn't seem to mind, so I just stayed there for the next couple of nights. 

Something interesting did happen when Sho-chan made to rush out of the house. 

I stopped him with Hitoshi trailing behind me. "What happened? Is everything okay?"

"You heard about the Stain capture, correct?"

We nodded.

"Problem child number two, Iida, and Todoroki were involved. They are currently in the Hosu City Hospital."

"I'm going with you. They are my friends."

"Fine, whatever. Just please, don't do anything dumb. Shinsou, come along too and control her. You're the only who can."

"I doubt that, but okay."

And with that, we started our journey to Hosu.


Izu-kun's POV:

We just got talked to by the Chief of Police and the three of us sat dejected on our respective beds. 

We heard rustling by the door and simultaneously whipped our heads toward the noise. 

It was-


"Idiots! Is what you all are!" She screamed.

She ran over to all of us and slapped us over the head. 

Then she proceeded to hug us all and sit next to Iida, with her legs folded up to her chest. 

Shinsou trailed in after her and leaned against the wall. 

"What are you doing here, [name]?" Iida asked.

"I came along with Sho-chan. I was so worried. What were you guys thinking?"

I heard collective hearts breaking at the pure sadness in her voice. 

"I apologize for worrying you, [name]. I broke our promise."

"It's okay. Just please," she looked each of us in the eye, "Don't do something like this again."

Todoroki and I went over to Iida's cot and sat next to them.

She dug her face into her legs and I could see a few stray tears fall. There weren't any noises, just tears. It hurt to watch. 

I lifted her face up to meet mine, and used my thumbs to wipe her tears up. 

She looked truly beautiful, even with tear stains and puffy eyes. 

We maintained eye contact, until Shinsou spoke up. "Not that I want to break up this moment, but [nickname], Shota-san just texted me to get over to where he is. He managed to clear everything up and we can head home."

It would be lying if I said I wasn't frustrated that he ruined the small moment [name] and I had just shared.

[name]'s POV: 

We split up and the boys went back to their beds.

I started with Tenya, due to the fact that he was closet.

Iris (BNHA X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now