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[name]'s POV

"You guys have to stop doing that every time we start training."

I smiled brightly at my guardian as I walked past him, heading towards my room to change into training clothes. "Hitoshi-chan! Your clothes are where they usually are. Meet in the training room in 5 minutes. Let's go team!"

Hitoshi-chan and Sho-chan sweat-dropped at my enthusiasm. They did end up following my instructions because we were all in the training room 5 minutes later.  

"Okay, I'm tired, so what we're gonna do is have you two spar while I take a nap," Sho-chan grumbled at us while climbing into the new sleeping bag I got him for Christmas last year.

This is typically what we did anyway, so we weren't too surprised. But, being the cheeky person I am, I decided to speak to the angry caterpillar. 

"Tired? What do you mean tired? Back in my day, we had to walk 10 miles to even get to sleep. And while we were asleep, we had to walk 10 more miles."

Hitoshi-chan thought that was the right moment to drag me away from my guardian, and it was. Because, it would've ended in my, oh so hilarious, stand up comedy act. And that would've made my loving, premature butterfly guardian kill me. Also, Hitoshi-chan probably didn't want to sit through it again.


We made our way to the center of the room and got into our fighting stances. Now, other days we work on quirks with Sho-chan and we don't use them while fighting right now because I know how to avoid Hitoshi-chan's quirk and mine is a bit too overpowered in simple hand to hand combat training. 

Hitoshi-chan gave me a little smirk, "You ready, [nickname]?"

I returned it with a wink and said, "Of course, Hitoshi-chan, you're going down."




He barreled towards me, ready to knock me to the ground because he knew that he was physically stronger and bigger than me so if he made it quick, he would win. I knew better and side stepped once he got too close to change his trajectory. 

"You're going to try a little than that," I joked.

"Oh, believe me, I'm just getting started."

The playful banter and sparring went on for a while. We both know each other so well, that we can predict each other's movements.

The fight ended with me getting pinned down, both of us sweaty and panting.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, "I give."

He got off of me and gave me his hand to help me up.

"You're really improving, Hitoshi, I'm proud," I wiped away fake tears.

He looked at me in surprise, "No honorific?"

"Oh my God, sorry, it kind of slipped out, and-"

"It's fine, [name]," his eyes soft as he gazed into my anxious, sparkling [eye color] ones. 

"Break it up the love fest, you two," Sho-chan climbed out of his bag and rubbed his eyes, "[name] is right, you are improving. We'll do some drills and start working on your quirks."


We ate dinner after we trained, both exhausted. 

Currently we were sitting on the apartment complex's roof, that nobody ever goes on, and drinking some of the many juice boxes that resided in our fridge. Sho-chan, me, and Hitoshi had planted a garden up there a year ago. It was really flourishing now, and we were all, even Sho-chan, excited about that. 

It was comfortable silence, just two best friends enjoying each others company. 

That was until Hitoshi decided to break it, "Why do you stand up for me? You get harassed for it?"

I looked over and saw him avoiding eye contact. He truly looked torn and upset. 

I grabbed hand and soothingly rubbed it, something Sho-chan did for me whenever I had the night terrors that I could never remember when I woke up. "Hitoshi. I stand up for you because I love and adore you. I care about you. Your quirk says nothing about you, except for how much you truly have grown. I know that it was even worse before I met you. But look at you now," I lightly punched his shoulder so he would look at me, "You're on your way to become a hero. You're training with a pro hero. 

"I have full confidence in you and your quirk. Have you heard of somebody who can control somebody with just their mind after hearing them answer? I had to ask you to use it on me, so I would know what it felt like. You never took advantage of me and I know you will never take control of the innocent.

"The bullying doesn't bother me because I have the most amazing best friend in the entire world. I'm sorry I can't make it stop. I know I can't take the pain of the words. But I can try and distract you from them because they aren't worth your time. I know that one day you can leave this behind and rise above it. 

"I love you so much, Hitoshi, please don't forget that."

"I love you too, [name]," he gave a small, but genuine, smile. I let one take over my face and looked up to the sky to admire the stars.

But what I didn't hear was him mutter, "More than you could ever know, [nickname]."

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