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[name]'s POV:

Training/ Studying- Day 1!

Well, Hitoshi and I headed to the cat cafe that we always do.

We ate and I payed for it, due to me owing him. 

We talked about anything and everything. We, somehow, never run out of things to talk about. 

Finally, after playing with cats for half an hour, we headed to my apartment. 

Thankfully, I had grabbed our English notes. 

Lounging around, we listened to Bo Burnam and studied. Whenever we had questions, we asked each other or looked it up in the notes. 

We moved around the room, from the bed to the desk to the floor. 

It was time for dinner, or at least we were going to eat dinner now because both our stomachs were grumbling.

"Let's have waffles."

"It's 7 at night."

"So? Who says that waffles are strictly a breakfast food? Why can't I eat waffles when I want waffles. Meals and meal times are social structures-"

"Whatever, let's make waffles."

"Love you, Hitoshi."

"You better."

We managed to make a mess around the kitchen. 

After what felt hours (in reality in was only 30 minutes), we were sitting at the island and eating our waffles. 

"Are you ready to be destroyed by me in sparring?"

He snorted, which made me laugh, "You wish, [nickname]."

Hitoshi did the dishes, against my many protests. 

Afterwards, we headed to the mini gym in my apartment. 

"You're going down, Hitoshi."

"Where have I heard that before?"





I changed my strategy and was the first to attack. I quickly dashed over to him, ducked under his arms before he could react and elbowed him in the face from behind. 

This caught him off guard and I managed to use that to my advantage. 

When he wasn't paying attention, my leg went towards his unprotected stomach. 

He doubled over, and I used leverage from that to bring him towards the floor with a body slam. 

I pinned him down. 

"I give," he grunted while grinning.

I helped him up, "I finally beat you with physical force! Hells yeah!"

"Good job, [nickname], I'm proud of you."

"Let's go again."


Nothing interesting happened through the next couple of days. Just normal studying and training. 

Nothing interesting.


Not even that time when I got tangled in my scarf again and Hitoshi threw me at Sho-chan who left me on the floor for five minutes so he could finish his burrito. 

Iris (BNHA X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now