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3rd Person POV- USJ Training Facility:

"Why does [fake last name] get to go down there?"

Thirteen wasn't sure what to say, not knowing if this was the right time. "They will explain it later, but she is Aizawa's adopted daughter. She'll be fine."

Looks of surprise and gasps were going around the class.

Pairs of eyes traced the girl, fighting villains, seemingly with ease. That didn't mean that the tension in their stomachs was loosened. 

That also didn't mean that they were aware they were doing it. 

[name]'s POV:

I whirled around, sending my knees, elbows, and fists towards the villains. 

In the corner of my eye, I could see a man standing next to a weird bird creature. 

You could see it's brains.


As I finished beating the crap out of all the villains within the range of the fountain, I heard a scratchy voice speak. "Where's All Might? We didn't plan for a little brat to be here. Maybe, he'll show up if we kill a few students. Nomu, after the girl."

The weird creature made it's way towards me. I tried using my fire on it, but it just regenerated.

"That is going to work, sweet cheeks."

I roughly got grabbed and held up. The creature started to squeeze my waist. I could feel it move and snap. 

I refused to scream. I couldn't scream.

"[name]!" Sho-chan yelled. He started to use his capture weapon to help me, but the blue-haired man put his hand on Sho-chan's elbow. It started to disintegrate. 

Despite being in pain, I used my telekinesis to pull the villain's shirt back.

"Aw, how cute," he cooed, "Trying to save each other. Nomu, I think she's out of commission with that hip of hers. Grab the man."

The creature dropped me and walked towards Sho-chan. Immediately, the creature wrapped his hand around the previously injured elbow. I heard a grunt in pain. 

Midoriya-kun, the frog girl, and perverted grape guy, who was disappointed that my costume didn't show more skin, were in the water. 

The blue-haired villain stuck his hair through the warp gate and towards the frog girls face. It didn't work, for some reason. 

I realized it was Sho-chan, when the man said, "I'm impressed, Eraser Head. But, not good enough. Nomu."

With that command, Sho-chan's head got slammed into the ground. A sickening crack was heard. 

My vision went red, then white. I was raised up. I closed my eyes.

I knew what was happening. 

And in my rage, I didn't stop it. 

When I opened up my eyes, bright red fire, crackling electricity, miscellaneous plants from around the facility, and water swirled around me. 

I looked past it, to see the shocked eyes of my peers and the fearful, yet intrigued, eyes of the villain. 

My hair was also floating around my head. I could see the hues of color pigmentation on the tips of my hair. A beautiful crimson, a soft sunset orange, a sunflower yellow, a forest green, a startlingly bright cerulean, a deep indigo, and a royal purple. I knew my eyes were the same.

Iris (BNHA X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now