Chapter I

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Walking down the crowded street, I hear nothing but the sound of Khalid's voice coming from my earbuds as I hum along to the melody, completely oblivious to my surroundings. I push my earbuds further into my ear with the least bit of worry about the long term effects elders are always muttering about. All I care about now is the sound of the music, and how it's making me feel at this moment. Relaxed.

I haven't felt like this all week. My schedule hasn't allowed it, not with my classes and work. And I can't forget the irritations that are my sisters. That's why my Friday walks from class is the only time I get to go into a space where only I have access to. No one can bother me. I have a moment to think about anything besides school and work. I have a moment to relax, so I embrace it.

My pace starts to speed up with every step in anticipation of getting home. I had a late class today, so I'm ecstatic the weekdays have finally come to a halt, and I can welcome the weekend with open arms. I pass by all the busy people, not caring to send them a smile or wave and I'm sure they don't care either. I look up to the sky, and all I see are happy clouds playing peekaboo with the sun. Today's a good day. I think to myself.

I walk down the same busy street from class every Friday since it's the day both my sisters work downtown at the coffee shop. Any other day, they would wait for me to finish my last class and we would ride home together, but a walk seems required on a day like this. Spring has just begun and the rain hasn't been patient with us. Today is the first day that it hasn't poured down in a week. I've been stuck in class, home, or the coffee shop everyday because of that. It would be a crime to not take advantage of the weather.

It feels nice to actually be outside though. I embrace the light wind and the warmth of the sun on my face. I feel like one of those girls from a 90s chick flick, and I'm loving every minute of it. I'm in my own little world. If a bird started talking out of nowhere, I wouldn't even question it.

Everything is so familiar on the way home that I could walk from college to the apartment with my eyes closed if I wanted to. The brick building covered in graffiti is right beside my apartment building. I always stop to see if any new images have appeared. I'm probably the only one who actually notices when a new drawing or even an initial is added. I'm very perceptive, which I guess is why I do well in school.

I scan the wall that is so beautifully scattered in art created by several artists. This adds to the beauty of it. It has more than one story, more than one point of view, but it all radiates some type of reality. I don't know whose reality, but it's there and it's real.

I don't see a new addition today, and I'm slightly disappointed.

I quickly glance at the parking lot and to my surprise, I spot Ole' Reliable, our tan 2012 Pontiac. Now I know my sisters are home. Or at least one of them. They always work on Fridays so why would they be home? And why didn't they tell me?

Those bitches knew I had a class today and didn't offer to pick me up. Okay...

Even though I enjoyed my walk home, they still could've told me they didn't have to work today. They could've at least offered to pick me up. It's what any thoughtful person would've done.

I climb up the stairs to our apartment, ready to tackle them with questions. I walk in, and the first person I see is Breana. Bree is my oldest sister. She's the most logical out of us three. She thinks before she acts. She's book smart and has a plan for everything, which is annoying. She can be a little overbearing and bossy, but someone needs to be that way.

"So, nobody wanted to come pick me up?" I ask as soon as I spot her.

"I called you to check. You didn't answer sis."

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