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inspo: mine, the 1975

A/N: 11k WTHHHH okay also curious to hear your thoughts on Bieber's bad guy remix ... 


But I'm just fine, cause I know you are mine

Hannah's POV:

I thought I was dreaming when I woke up halfway through the night back in Billie's bed with her, but I didn't question it, just breathed out in relief. When we both woke up in the morning, we didn't have to say anything about last night, or maybe we just didn't want to. We're probably sweeping issues under the rug, but I think we just don't have the energy left in either of us to fight.

"Mamas, we're going out, okay?" Billie taps my leg with her pencil. I groan a little, content with where we are right now, wearing comfy clothes in her bed. She's been humming to herself, writing stuff down in her notebook that she promises to show me when it's less messy, and I've been sketching her like that from the opposite side of her bed.

I nod and she stretches out her arms and leans across the bed to sneak a peek at my sketchbook, and I flip it upside down for her to see.

"Dude, that's fire, can I keep it?" Billie whistles and I blush, but rip out the paper.

"But I'm gonna need something in exchange," I grin and her face twists in confusion. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out her wallet and I gape back at her.

"Wait what did you mean?" she asks nervously, and I laugh, pulling on the ends of the sleeves of her huge hoodie to bring her closer.

"This," I whisper, tracing my finger over her bottom lip until she finally understands and sends me a smile right as I kiss her. She can't stop smiling even when we kiss, which makes me pull away and smile just as bad. Billie slips her hands to the back of my neck and tries again; the kiss makes all the previous drama fade into the background and I remember why I keep coming back to her. She's everything.

Billie holds the sketch like it's glass, from the edges, and rips out a piece of tape from her drawer with her teeth. She tapes it up in the middle of her wall and claps her hands together when it's done. I lean back and lay dead on her bed, when she slips her hands in mine and forces me to sit up.

"We're still going out," she reminds me and I cave in, sliding off the edge of the bed to get ready.


Billie's POV:

I'm nervous as fuck and I don't really know what I'm going to say or how to do this. I've been carrying it around for so long, since before we ended things. I got it the day before her parents called the cops and stole her away, and it's been burning a hole in my pocket for months. I almost threw it into the damn ocean when she left, but part of me knew or at least hoped I'd get the chance to give it to her.

I look across the table at Hannah, smiling at the way she gets fascinated by little things like the candles in the center. I bite my lip and don't say anything as she reaches out a finger to the flame to see if it's real and jerks her hand back.

"Want me to kiss it?" I smirk and she flips me off with a straight face. But I lay out my palm on the table and she puts her hand on top of mine, so I bend down to plant a kiss on her finger.

"Billie, oh my god, your hair is on fire!" Hannah screeches and I pull away so hard I fall backward in my chair. Panic fills me as I pat my hair but feel absolutely nothing, hearing her laughs, I realize she played me. I climb back on my chair and glare at her even though I can't help from smiling too.

"You're gonna regret that, mamas."

Hannah practically melts as I repeat the line from the day I picked her up, even gets a little teary-eyed, which makes me feel overly-emotional too. Sometimes I wish we could go back to the start and not make so many mistakes, but I wouldn't love her and appreciate her as much as I do without them. Oh, shit, maybe I should say that before...

Hannah gives me a suspicious look as I clench my fists around the tablecloth and zone out on the empty tables surrounding us. I clear my throat and notice one of my rings I gave to her after I snuck her away from her parents, still there right where I left it all this time. It gives me hope, makes me know I can do this. Reaching a hand in my pocket, my fingers brush over the tiny white box. I want to give her this ring because it means more than the one before, it's hers and a way of asking her to really be mine.

"Bil, you good? You look pale..." Hannah breaks me out of my thoughts and I try to nod or say something back but my tongue feels glued to the roof of my mouth. I reach out for a glass of water but my hands shake so bad it spills all over the table. I mumble a string of curses and start to dry it up with my napkin when she stops me by taking my hand.

"What is it? You're scaring me..." she asks and I mentally hit myself. This is not how I wanted it to go. Maybe I should just keep it in my pocket, where it's safe. Where she can never say no because I never asked.

Her phone buzzes and she reaches to turn the volume off but I just nod my head at her for her to check it so I can catch my breath. I can do this, I have to or else I'll never man up and do it. I don't want to waste any more time because I never know when I wake up to her each morning if this day will be our last.

"That's weird, apparently you're trending all over online," Hannah scrunches up her eyebrows, scrolling her thumb across her screen with an expression I can't figure out.

"Fuck, did I say something that stupid?" I murmur, trying to think back on recent interviews, hoping I didn't totally fuck up. Maybe it's the good type of trending?

I look back to Hannah and her eyes widen in shock and her phone slips from her grasp, falling to the floor. Her hands shake worse than mine were before and tears stream down her cheeks now. My anxiety fills every inch of me like it's all that I am.

"Billie," she croaks, unable to look me in the eye.

"Hannah, what is it?" I ask, not sure if I even want to know the answer at this point. I feel tears prickle in my eyes too because I know the moment is ruined because of whatever is happening, just when I finally got the courage to ask.

Then she lifts up her chin and meets me dead in the eyes, and my heart sinks from the fear looking back at me.

"Are you ready to order?" the waiter comes out to ask and I don't take my eyes off Hannah, who still looks freaked out as hell.

"I don't know."

Both crying, I'm fine, if you are fine

call out my name (billie eilish girl x girl)Where stories live. Discover now