Chapter 7

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We were heading away from Sovereign and Gamora was locking up her sister to a pole.

"I am hungry." Nebula says.

"Its not ripe yet and I hate you." Gamroa says.

"You hate me? You left me and stole that stone for yourself and now here you stand. A hero." Nebula says.

Gamora just ignored her sister and came over to me as I looked out the window.

"Hey you okay?" Gamora asks.

"Yeah. Im fine." I say.

"You dont look fine. Is this about Peter? Cause I know you..." She says, but stops when Peter approaches.

"Who does she think she is bringing up my father like that?" Peter questions.

"We know its a touchy subject for you." I say.

"Its not that I just dont know the guy. If it seems like I was flirting with the high priestess I wasnt." He says not taking his eyes off me.

"I dont care if you were. Your free to do whatever you want. Now if you'll excuse me its been a long day." I say.

I just went up and sat in my seat trying not to think about Peter or my other problem. That being how in Im alittle jealous that Gamora gets to be with her sister again. Just think my thoughts were interrupted by someone shooting our ship.

"We have a Sovereign fleet behind us." Peter says.

"Why would they do that?" Gamora questions.

"Maybe because Rocket stole some of their batteries." Drax says.

"Dude!" Rocket yells.

"I mean. I dont know why they are chasing us." Drax says.

As our ship was being followed and attacked Rocket and Peter couldnt stop fighting. We were definitely doomed until we were saved somehow. We barely made it through the jump portal and we crashed pretty badly.


"My ship." Peter says.

"Either one of you could of got us out of there. If you would of flow with whats between your eyes and not whats between your legs." Gamora says.

"If whats between my legs had a hand. I guarantee I could of landed it." Peter says.

"Peter we almost died because of your arrogance." Gamora says.

"More like because he stole Anulax batteries." Peter says pointing at Rocket.

"Their called Harbulary batteries." Drax says.

"No their not." Peter says.

"You wanna know why I did it starmunch?" Rocket questions.

"Im not gonna answer to starmunch." Peter says.

"I did it because I wanted to. Besides we just had a little man save us." Rocket says.

"How little?" Drax asks.

"About this little." Rocket says showing us how small the man was.

"A one inch man saved us?" I questions.

"Im sure if he got closer he would of been alot bigger." Rocket says.

"That because thats how eyesight works you stupid raccoon." Peter says.

"Dont call me a raccoon!" Rocket yells.

"Im sorry. I meant trash panda." Peter says.

"Is that better?" Rocket questions.

"I dont know." Drax says.

"Its worse. Much worse." Peter says and Rocket tried to bite him.

I then noticed something coming through the same jump as we did.

"Guys... We have company." I say.

"Someone followed you through the portal. Let me free. You'll need my help." Nebula says.

"Im not a fool Nebula. You'll attack me the moment I let you go." Gamora says.

"No I wont." Nebula says.

"You know for a super villain your bad at lying." Peter says.

We all came together in a circle as a ship started to land near us.

"I bet its the one inch man." Drax says.

Just then the ship landed and a man and some bug woman got out and oddly enough the man had claimed to be Peter's father. Although Peter was buying any of it so he and I took a walk.

"Peter, look I know its alittle difficult for you to see your father now after never knowing him. Though what if he is the man you've always wanted?" I question.

"I dont know Jessy. What if he is lying and working for the Kree or the Ravishers. They all want us dead." He says.

"Yeah, but he can also be your father. The one you told me your mom spoke so highly of." I say placing my hands over his.

"I guess I could give him a chance." He says.

"Good and if he ends up being evil we will just have to kill him." I say.

The next morning we were on our way with Peter's father Ego. We had to leave Rocket and Groot behind with Nebula so Rocket could fix the ship. We boarded Ego's ship and the bug lady put Ego to bed and we spent some time getting to know her.

"So your names Mantis? Is that right?" I ask.

"Yes that is correct." Mantis says.

"Hey can I ask you a personal question?" Peter asks.

"No ones ever asked me a personal question before." Mantis says.

"Your antenna what are they for?" Peter asks.

"Their purpose?" Mantis questions.

"Yes Quill and I have a bet." Drax says.

"You cant say that." Peter says.

"I say they help you feel small spaces like doorway so you wont get decapitate." Drax says.

"And if they are for anything else I win." Peter says.

"They are not for feeling doorways." Mantis says.

"Ha." Peter says.

"I think they have to do with my empathic abilities." Mantis says.

"Whats that?" I ask.

"Like you can read minds?" Peter questions.

"No. Telepath can read thoughts. Empaths can feel feelings. May I?" Mantis asks me.

"Umm sure." I say.

She touched my arm and I didnt know what to expect from her.

"You feel pain and jealousy. Past pain that you cant let go of and jealousy of a friend." Mantis says.

"Oh.." I say.

I spaced out for a moment and the next thing I knew Drax and Mantis were laughing. Peter just kept looking at me as they laughed and pointed at him. Then Mantis tried to touch Gamora, but Gamora wouldnt let her.

"I can also do other things." Mantis says.

"Like what?" Peter questions.

"Like make someone stubborn be more compliant or make some sad feel content for a short while. But I mostly use it to help my master sleep." Mantis says.

"Do one of those on me." Drax says.

"Sleep." Mantis says and Drax fell asleep.

This was gonna be one odd trip and even more so now that for some reason both Peter and Gamora keep looking at me. What happened when I spaced out? It was nothing important was it? Oh does it have to do with what Mantis said about me? Probably. Oh geez.

A/N: Hey guys do you like it? Let me know. Thanks.

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