Chapter 4

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We got up slowly and walked out and Gamora was freaking out.

"How could I think Tivan could contain what was in the orb?" Gamora questions.

"Why do you still have it?" Rocket questions.

"What were we suppose to do leave it there?" Peter questions.

"I dont know. I just cant believe you had that in your purse." Rocket says.

"Its not a purse its a nap sack." Peter says.

"Guys stop it. We have to take the Orb and deliver it Nova." I say taking the orb from Gamora.

"We are wanted by the Nova Corp. Just give it to Ronan." Rocket says.

"Why so he could destroy the galaxy?" Peter questions.

"Why do you care? Whats the Galaxy ever do for you?" Rocket asks.

"Because Im one the idiots who lives in it." Peter says.

"Peter, we cant let Ronan get his hands on it. We have to deliver it to Nova." I say.

"She's right. We have to give it to Nova. We cant let Ronan destroy the Galaxy." Gamora says.

"Or we can sell to someone really nice for a whole lot of money. I think its a something that shows both sides of your argument." Peter says.

"Your despicable. Dishonorable." Gamora says.

"Its wrong Peter. Only Xandar might be able to control it." I say.

"Yeah I guess..." Peter says, but Drax showed up just as a bunch of ships did.

"Finally I shall vanquish my foe." Drax says.

"You called Ronan!" Peter yells.

"Quill, you stay right there boy." A blue man says.

Well after that a war broke out Drax fought Ronan. While Gamora, Peter, Rocket, and I retied to get the orb to safety. Since it was with me I was being followed the most. Gamora was shot down by her own sister and I had to fly out with the orb. Then everything went dark. I dont know how long I was out for, but I awoke and Peter was above me.

"Peter?" I question.

"Yeah its me. Its okay. Your fine. When I saw you out there I couldnt let you die." Peter says.

"Where's the orb? Our group are they okay?" I ask.

"The group is fine. As for the orb... Well Ronan got it." He says.

"What? The people of Xandar. The whole Galaxy. Peter what are we gonna do?" I ask having a panic attack.

"Hey hey its okay. Your okay." Peter says.

Before I could say anything else a group of men with guns showed up.

"Welcome home Peter." A man says.

We were picked up and as I was held back the blue guy was yelling and hitting Peter.

"Steal from me! When I picked you up on Terra these boy wanted to eat you. They never tasted any Terrian before. You should be grateful." The blue man says.

"For years you been throwing that in my face. Like its some big great thing not eaten me. Normal people dont eat people let alone that person having to be grateful. You abducted me man stole me from my family." Peter says.

"Sorry boy. A captain gotta show what happens when you betray them." The blue man says.

"No dont. Ronan has something called an infinity." I say.

"I know what he has girl." The blue man says.

"They you know we must stop him. Billions of people will parish." I say.

"Is that what she's been feeling you head with boy sentiment." The blue guy says.

He then whistles and an arrow went to Peter throat.

"No." I say.

"If you kill me now you are saying goodbye to one of the biggest scores you've ever seen." Peter says.

"Ronan has the stone. I hope you have something better then that because no one is stealing from Ronan." The blue man says.

"Our friend Gamora. She knows all there is about Ronan and we can get the stone back. What do you say Yondu? You and me together again. Fighting side by side just like the old days." Peter says.

Yondu then looked at Peter and whistled again and the arrow went back to him and everyone started laughing letting me and Peter go. Then there was a weird hit on the ship from outside.

"Attention idiot." Rocket says.

"What the hell?" Yondu questions.

"The psycho on the ship has a weapon of my own design. If you dont hand over our companions we will blow your ship up. I will give you to the count of five." Rocket says.

"I aint buying it." Yondu says.

"Five, Four..." Rocket says.

"Rocket we are fine. We figured it out." Peter says.

"Oh hey Quill. Whats up?" Rocket questions.

Wow sometimes Rocket can be a pain, but at least we are now free to come up with a plan to save Xandar and the Galaxy.

A/N: Hey guys do you like it? Let me know. Thanks.

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